Matchy Matchy!


Well-known member
Do you match your eyeshadows to your outfits?
Or your outfits to your eyeshadow?
Or do you not match anything at all?

Its always hard for me to decide early in the morning, especially if I dont have shadows that match what im wearing!


Well-known member
For me it all really just depends sometimes i match if i have a shirt that matches an e/s PErFECTLY. but otherwise it depends on y mood, the weather or the outfit itself, sometimes a certain outfit demands a certian makeup LOOK!


Well-known member
I totally plan my make up to match my outfits. I plan it either the previous night while I bathe, or when I shower in the morning.
I'm maybe a little sad eh


Well-known member
i usually do my make up before i get dressed, so my colors never really "match" per se, considering my make up is a lot more colorful than my wardrobe...sometimes i'll do like red lips and red accessories or pink lips and pink shoes or something, but i kinda think eye make up with a completely matching top is tacky, it's too forced.
however, if it's a color in the same tone (like a blue top with a greyish blue e/s combination) than that's, IMO, okay.
i dunno, matchy matchiness (haha, making up my own words here) doesn't take too much effort, as anyone can pink with pink


Well-known member
I don't really match them ,but I just try to compliment my e/s to the outfit so that it all kind of blends well.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tinkerbelle
I don't really match them ,but I just try to compliment my e/s to the outfit so that it all kind of blends well.

Me too


Well-known member
I pick and lay out my outfit the night before because I take soooo long to get ready. I usually have an idea of a color in the outfit I want to accentuate with my shadow while I pick my clothes out...and other days, I just totally match. I've read on other forums that it's kind of a faux pas to match your eyes or e/s to your outfit, but I just don't care. I like it, and I like to think there are no "rules".


Well-known member
I never match my makeup to my outfit. I just make sure my makeup doesn't clash with what I wear.


Well-known member
it depends. my routine tends to be shower, moisturize and prep face, dry and straighten my hair, pick my outfit, do my makeup, then actually put on my outfit. i always get dressed after doing my full makeup, because i'm scared of getting makeup on my clothes, plus, if for some reason i have a makeup color change, i can adjust accordingly. that said, most of my clothes are black or white, for some reason, and i usually wear jeans or a denim skirt, so, for the most part, clashing isn't really a big issue.

if i do wear color, i'll sometimes coordinate the colors, or i'll just go neutral or smoky, so as not to flat-out clash. i think looking too coordinated can be obnoxious, in some instances, and look tacky, but, done correctly, having a matching accent of color, or highlight of color, can look really good.


Well-known member
I usually go neutral or I use complementary colours (along w/ an accent of a matching shade).
I used to match w/ my clothing but then I realized that it looks weird (IMO). It's like when blue-eyed girls wear the same blue eyeshadow. They cancel each other out so it just looks like a boring wash of blue...nothing sticks out.


Well-known member
I usually don't colour match my makeup but I colour coordinate, like using a complimentary or a contrasting colour. And well, I don't have a lot of super colourful clothes anyway so I just usually pick whatever I like.

I have matched my makeup sometimes to what I was wearing, when it was the exact same shade, then it can look neat.


Well-known member
sadly i tend to match my clothes to my make-up mood..and yeah it has to match, everyone at work teases me for making sure everything matches...even my pencils.


Well-known member
Depends on my mood that morning. I usually try and match but if I am feeling a little spunky I will do my make up first then plan my outfit to match the spunkiness if not then I will do a nice and basic prime look... just because it looks great with everything.


Well-known member
I don't care what anyone says. I do what I want to! I match my makeup to my clothes if I have the colors. If I don't, I go neutral.


Well-known member
It really depends on my mood and the day. Usually when I go to work or somewhere casual I do my MU first and either match my outfit to my MU or wear something that compliments the colors I have on. Now if I'm going out or somewhere where I need to be stylish, I'll pick out an outfit first, then match my MU to the colors I'm wearing.

I'm not one who HAS to match my outfit and MU perfectly. I personally think it's kind of tacky when everything is all matchy matchy but that's just my opinion. I may match a color to what I’m wearing but then I'll throw in some other colors that are in the same color pallet so everything looks like it flows. As long as it goes and I’m not looking like a clown then I’m all good =D.


Well-known member
i match my shadows to my shirt, usually
but then again, i wear a LOT of black, so i take that oppurtunity to go crazy with colors.


Well-known member
well, cuz it's all black at MAC I find a different problem - does my makeup *style* match my clothing style? Have I gone to '80's with a more classic '60's outfit, and should I change? I've actually changed outfits after I get my face on... thinking "what does it matter, it's all black... but it just doesn't "go"! Any other MAs having this issue? Or am I just weird?


Well-known member
Yes I always try and match something in my outfit to my make-up. I even bought a top last week because it was the exact same shade as teal pigment.
When I am on early shifts I lay everything out the night before, so at 5am I don't need to think too much!