Matte e/s: How to use, and why?


Well-known member
I always see people say they use matte e/s but when you look at the pictures, it sure as heck dosen't look like it, as they are all shimmery. How should I use matte e/s, where, and can you link me up with some pictures of you using it?



Well-known member
People like to use mattes when using other shimmery colours so that a look isn't all shimmer, and it adds depth to the eye by using different shadow finishes. If you search through my FOTD posts I use some mattes, but can't think of anything off hand.


Well-known member

I like to apply a matte color all over, then a shimmery or frosty color in the outer corner/crease or on the center of the lid. You can use them however you want, though


Well-known member
Because mattes have less slip than other finishes, a lot of people use a veluxe pearl or satin e/s as a base in order to blend the mattes better. The shimmer of the base colour probably wouldn't be able to be noticed in person, but an intense flash from a camera makes them noticeable in a picture.


Well-known member
I like matte shadows, they are nice to work with when pairing them with shimmers or wilder colors, I need to be somewhat conservative for work so I do use the matte shadows frequently -and I'm working on buying more mattes. Swiss Chocolate and Omega are my favorite matte shades so far.


Well-known member
the only matte shades I have are Carbon, Embark, and Chrome Yellow, i'm really into shimmery colors, but when I do neutrals I use Carbon and Embark in the crease and lower lash line so that it looks a little more sophisticated. However, my next few matte purchases will be Rule, Orange, Plumage, and Shadowy Lady. Yes.


Well-known member
I LOVE MATTES! like, throw in some plumage with aquadisiac or carbon with electra = hot smokiness


Well-known member
I have a good example of why people use mattes. A few days ago I did makeup for a photoshoot, I did the makeup inside and it looked perfect but then when we went outside the color seemed to disapear. I just got the photos back today and all that realy shows up is a ton of shimmers then if you look close you can see a smear of color. Now I know for the next photoshoot to use similar matte shades under the shimmer shadows. For example if I'm going to use Humid then I'll make sure to put Femme Noir under it. Hope this helps!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HappyHannah
I have a good example of why people use mattes. A few days ago I did makeup for a photoshoot, I did the makeup inside and it looked perfect but then when we went outside the color seemed to disapear. I just got the photos back today and all that realy shows up is a ton of shimmers then if you look close you can see a smear of color. Now I know for the next photoshoot to use similar matte shades under the shimmer shadows. For example if I'm going to use Humid then I'll make sure to put Femme Noir under it. Hope this helps!

Ooohhhh..... Ok maybe I'll try


Well-known member
It ca also help to intensify a colour or bring out a hue of a duochrome pigment!

I like to use my Chrome Yellow e/s under Goldmine e/s and it makes it even more goldish!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
the only matte shades I have are Carbon, Embark, and Chrome Yellow, i'm really into shimmery colors, but when I do neutrals I use Carbon and Embark in the crease and lower lash line so that it looks a little more sophisticated. However, my next few matte purchases will be Rule, Orange, Plumage, and Shadowy Lady. Yes.

I have/love Rule and Plumage. You're going to love 'em!