Mature ladies, I'd appreciate your feedback


Well-known member
As evidenced by the Catherine Deneuve/MAC Icon discussion, I'm a bit fed up with MAC ignoring the older demographics, and also the idea that all "old ladies" wear Estee Lauder, Mary Kay, and Lancome, or nothing at all. I see all these new products and lines coming out for younger women to help prevent lines, reduce aging, etc. and a good 90% of them don't work on mature skin or even make it look worse! It seems unimaginable to be "old" and beautiful to the fashion industry, but I strongly disagree- and am going to do something about it.

So tell me ladies, what do you like, what don't you like? What works for you? What should there be more of? If MAC were to put out a line (similar to what they have done in asia with the Lightful collection) for mature women, what would it include? What would it exclude?

Any and all input on this whole thing is greatly appreciated.


Well-known member
not a mature poster but I say I think there needs to be a stronger push. There are many more mature women who are absolutely stunning that are often ignored by the beauty industry.

More power to you Marty! If theres anything I can do to help.. just drop me a line


Well-known member
i've always noticed that my mother and other older people than me (30+) tend to wear pinks,blacks and browns. They are everyday colors that any woman can wear imo. Also,maybe something that is long lasting in softer colors,such as long lasting lipcolor,lipliner and blushes,etc. Also, as you get older your skin gets maybe a good mositureizer and something that does do something to hide fine lines.


Well-known member
My mom wants a cream to retain moisture in the skin, you know? To "plump" up the skin I think that's the word. Then, She also wants a slight dewey finish in foundation for older skin. Because usually Dewey = young.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by beautifulxdisaster
My mom wants a cream to retain moisture in the skin, you know? To "plump" up the skin I think that's the word. Then, She also wants a slight dewey finish in foundation for older skin. Because usually Dewey = young.

Tell your mom to check out Armani's LSF foundation.


Well-known member
my mum loves Ultima II. it makes her skin much much brighter.. so if MAC came out with a skin brightner moisturizer like Ultima's GLOWTION i think that would be great


Well-known member
On the subject of what works, I've made a couple of recent discoveries that have one wonders for my skin.

Firstly LUSHs Wow Wow mask is wonderful. It's designed for "more mature" skin which tends to dryness and it's supposed to help with thread veins, redness and fine lines. I'm using it twice a week, and I've only used it for one week so far, but the effects are very noticable.

Secondly I'm using RoC Retin-Ox Correction creams. These are also making a dramatic difference to the texture of my skin, although the effect on the lines around my eyes has not been as noticable as I would like.

I'd say that my two main problems are:

- I love sparkly/glowy products like skinfinishes, but they tend to highlight any wrinkles, dry patches and imperfections
- I need foundation to even out my skin tone but I have dry, sensitive skin and foundations all seem to accentuate the dry patches and look cakey. Even if I carefully exfoliate and moisturise before application, I still find patches dry out during the day and the foundation shows them up. Maybe there are tricks/techniques to minimise this, but if there are, I don't know them, and I need to!

I definitely do not want cosmetics companies to be producing softer colours aimed at me. I love bright colours and I want to be able to wear them. What I want is products that make my skin good enough and predictable enough that I can do this.


New member
I disagree w/ this post. MAC is all ages/races/sexes. Sure they don't have an anti aging skincare line, but they aren't about skincare. They've got something for everyone.


Well-known member
I'm not so sure Chelsea. I'm with Marty on this one. MAC claims to be "All Ages, All Races, All Sexes", but how often do they feature older models in their promotional material? As Marty has said, the only "older" people featured by MAC recently have been the icons, Diana and Liza, and they were airbrushed within an inch of their lives. MAC seem to be sending mixed messages, in my opinion. They claim to include everyone, but many of their products are aimed at younger people, or are at least more difficult to use on more mature skin, (e.g. I have to be careful using skinfinishes or shimmery products because they highlight the fine lines under my eyes, on the upper edge of my cheekbones). And I've noticed that many MAC MAs seem ill-equipped to understand and work with more mature skin.


Well-known member
I would so love to see Carly Simon or Elizabeth Taylor as a MAC icon. That said...

My mother, who is 54, got me wearing MAC when I was 20. She wishes they had a wider range of matte and veluxe colors, because frosted eyeshadows tend to draw attention to fine lines due to the particles settling. She's not so much about the skin care, because she's got teenage skin and dryness and fine lines are not an issue, but she does want to learn more about applying color and starting with a nice, even skin tone. (I did a toned-down smokey eye on her a while ago, using Hepcat, and she was like, "Wow!") Her other favorite lines are Stila (every time I visit my parents, we have a Stila Day, I swear) and Laura Mercier. So far, we've always encountered great MA's at MAC.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Chelsea
I disagree w/ this post. MAC is all ages/races/sexes. Sure they don't have an anti aging skincare line, but they aren't about skincare. They've got something for everyone.

I'm not so sure Chelsea. I'm with Marty on this one. MAC claims to be "All Ages, All Races, All Sexes", but how often do they feature older models in their promotional material? As Marty has said, the only "older" people featured by MAC recently have been the icons, Diana and Liza, and they were airbrushed within an inch of their lives. MAC seem to be sending mixed messages, in my opinion. They claim to include everyone, but many of their products are aimed at younger people, or are at least more difficult to use on more mature skin, (e.g. I have to be careful using skinfinishes or shimmery products because they highlight the fine lines under my eyes, on the upper edge of my cheekbones). And I've noticed that many MAC MAs seem ill-equipped to understand and work with more mature skin.

My mother more than once has gone to MAC with me (pro stores, freedstanding, counters, all of them) and every time they try to make her look younger and use products that make her mature skin look wrinklier. I'm not referring to anti-aging, once you're aged you can't really reverse that. I'm talking about marketing to mature skin and mature faces. Older skin can't use (generally) powder foundations since they are too dry, creme or stick foundations since they settle into lines, shimmery/glittery products because they emphasize lines and wrinkles. MAC likes being hip, cool, and edgy yet at times I think it hurts them. I've never seen anyone older than maybe 30 working at a counter or store to date. I'm anxious for the catherine deneuve icon set, but can't get too excited, because I know she won't look like her. She'll be airbrushed so badly just like liza and diana. It's really a shame, I know a lot of "older" ladies have given up on makeup since nothing seems to want to market to them, and none of the counter staff seem trained in working with older skin. I'd LOVE MAC to do a class on mature skin, but they probably won't. They just now are finally having 'ethnic' skin classes.


I really don't think MAC should even attempt to be that well rounded. They should stick to what they do best, and their target demographic is youth. Young, edgy, hip makeup. You can't please everyone. Trying to sell hot pink shimmery eyeshadow, and matte colours designed for more mature women at the same time, waters the MAC image down.

Estee Lauder, Mary Kay, and Lancome are experts for mature skin, and shouldn't be discredited. They do what they do best, and so does MAC.


Well-known member
Ya there are plenty of products my mom uses and loves at MAC... but she goes else where for anti-aging products and such... even if mac made them, i dont think she would buy them. shes happy with her lancome and prescriptives products. she has been for years now. but when it comes to mac she oohs and ahhs at the lipsticks and shadows... she did purchase their face makeup for a while but stopped after she started using prescriptives.

maybe older women might be more drawn to mac if they used icons and products to target them. but honestly, my mom didnt look any harder at the diana and liza products any more than the other stuff they had out. i think MAC is MAC... their image automatically targets a certain age more whether they think so or not. because most their workers they hire are young and wear trendy clothing. unlike lancome and chanel workers who have to wear the structured gowns....
and yea they will be airbrushed...but thats what people like to see... smooth beautiful skin... thats why women buy into anti-aging products in the first place. most women naturally want to fight the aging process... they dont want to look old. im not saying old is not beautiful im just saying that generally women dont want to embrace wrinkles... they want to make them as minimal as possible. isnt that why you would like to see them provide more products that hide such things? and not accentuate them.


Active member
im 30+ and i have colors from electric eel to low desity brown. i love and wear every color of the rainbow. as far as skincare is goes i swear by babywipes as a cleanser and dove for moisture. iv'e never really checked out the mac skincare line.


Well-known member
My mother lives overseas, so when she comes to visit me we always go shopping and when we go to the makeup counters she always heads to Lancome for the free gift with purchase. I've recently introduced her to MAC but she's scared to go alone-since I'm obsessed with MAC she can just ask me what products to use. But I want her to go one her own to start her own look, do what she likes. Bottom line is she is afraid of MAC counters(and other funky stores) because she thinks to buy from them you have to be a hardcore makeup fiend that wears bright yellows and oranges and that she'll get laughed at.
I know there is a thread talking about mature MA's at MAC and I really think that it would help bridge the gap between the 20 somethings and the older baby boomer customers. I got my love of makeup from my mom and I want her to reclaim that love and not be so scared and reserved. Especially since she lives in Saudi Arabia where she has to cover up with a burka she should let her individuality shine through her makeup.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
feedback from mature ladies

I don’t think that MAC will use older models for their campaigns. Why? They would risk alienating the demographic group that has made them so much money.
Young consumers spend more in cosmetics and fashion.

Younger woman don’t want to wear things that their mothers wear. Jessica Parker (of Sex & the City fame) was let go by the GAP when she hit 40 because their sales went down because the younger people didn’t want a middle aged woman wearing what they wear. Even Cindy Crawford claims that Revlon dropped her when she hit her late 30’s because of her age.

I live in NYC and when I go to the MAC counters I am usually one of the oldest customers and I’m 40 (give or take a year or two), which is a little uncomfortable sometimes. I pass through the cosmetic department a couple of times a week, Its on my way to the train station, so I cut through Macy’s often (my Macy’s has 3 MAC, 4 Lancome, 2 Estee Lauder and 2 Clinique counters, as well of one of every other brand like Black Up, Cargo, Stila, Fashion Fair, etc.) I also go the MAC Pro Store, MAC in Harlem and the counters at both Bloomingdale’s locations & Saks.

The staff at MAC is young and usually the most attractive employees out of the other lines (while at the other cosmetic counters their is a broader age range). And yes, I see most of the professional woman and woman over 35 buying from the other makeup counters. I personally don’t buy my skin care products from MAC, I use ROC, Clinique or Prescriptives.

What would I like MAC to do? NO, not skin products for the older, what they should do is make more colors with less frost or sparkly particles., they are more wearable for everyday. Seriously what would you think if your doctor/attorney/professor etc. showed up to work wearing Black Tied and Parrot e/s, Petticoat skinfinish powder, bronzer on her cleavage and bright ultra glossy lips? Not acceptable, even if she’s only in her 20’s.


New member
Originally Posted by Turbokittykat
I'm not so sure Chelsea. I'm with Marty on this one. MAC claims to be "All Ages, All Races, All Sexes", but how often do they feature older models in their promotional material? As Marty has said, the only "older" people featured by MAC recently have been the icons, Diana and Liza, and they were airbrushed within an inch of their lives. MAC seem to be sending mixed messages, in my opinion. They claim to include everyone, but many of their products are aimed at younger people, or are at least more difficult to use on more mature skin, (e.g. I have to be careful using skinfinishes or shimmery products because they highlight the fine lines under my eyes, on the upper edge of my cheekbones). And I've noticed that many MAC MAs seem ill-equipped to understand and work with more mature skin.

ITA! Even the Icons they use that are older, they airbrush their pics so much it hardly looks like person.

Originally Posted by ZLoves2Shop
What would I like MAC to do? NO, not skin products for the older, what they should do is make more colors with less frost or sparkly particles., they are more wearable for everyday. Seriously what would you think if your doctor/attorney/professor etc. showed up to work wearing Black Tied and Parrot e/s, Petticoat skinfinish powder, bronzer on her cleavage and bright ultra glossy lips? Not acceptable, even if she’s only in her 20’s.

So true! I know they have matte colors but I'd love to see a collection that is "natural or professional" looking. I realize MAC has the hip image but it would be nice for them to finally pay some tribute to the age ranges. I love shimmer shadows and rarely wear matte but as I am getting older I have noticed that shimmer tends to show lines much more.
I'd love to see some very blendable and workable everyday colors that is more "office" wear. Color combos that leans more towards showing off the natural beauty rather than hiding it.
My mother has said a few times that she would love to see MAC make a few quads that had all wearable colors. She says that in the morning it is too much to have to "think" about what colors to match together. She already has work on her mind so she tends to only wear e/l and mascara. She needs to be taken seriously and have a look that shows she means business but she is also well polished.
I have an aunt that loves MAC's blush but would like to see some matched up with wearable lip and eye colors. Once again something more towards the natural polished look.


Well-known member
Hmmm... I'm currently 28 and starting to think about this a little more. I'm not old and saggy just yet, but i am starting to notice a few fine lines around my eyes, and my skin is dryer than in my teens. I've always thought that MACs skincare line was below par. I would like to see some more serious moisturizers and more preventitive care items. Of course, those items may already be out there, I just haven't looked at MAC skincare products for quite a while.
As for MAC products for professional wear, they are out there. People just don't pay nearly as much attention to the gorgeous nudes, pinks and browns as they do to Parrot and Blue Absinthe. I love those colors that MAC is famous for, but can't wear them as often as I like. I am employed as a bridal consultant, so most of the time the super bright sparkly colors are out of the question. Can you imagine seeing your wedding planner with a lid full of Freshwater on your big day? :0 It's just not appropriate. I love my Jewel Palette (minus the parrot of course) and the inventive eyes quad for days that I'm working.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by martygreene
As evidenced by the Catherine Deneuve/MAC Icon discussion, I'm a bit fed up with MAC ignoring the older demographics, and also the idea that all "old ladies" wear Estee Lauder, Mary Kay, and Lancome, or nothing at all. I see all these new products and lines coming out for younger women to help prevent lines, reduce aging, etc. and a good 90% of them don't work on mature skin or even make it look worse! It seems unimaginable to be "old" and beautiful to the fashion industry, but I strongly disagree- and am going to do something about it.

So tell me ladies, what do you like, what don't you like? What works for you? What should there be more of? If MAC were to put out a line (similar to what they have done in asia with the Lightful collection) for mature women, what would it include? What would it exclude?

Any and all input on this whole thing is greatly appreciated.

I think that the problem lies in todays society- I think even in the last ten years we've gone so overboard on "youth oriented" everything- maybe I'm just starting to get older and see it. I think even clothing today its hard to go shopping and find nice shirts that aren't see through or look like camisoles or over decorated- I don't want to look like a grandma either but I feel like there are two options "very aged" or "too young". Just my opionion but mac - makeup follows that trend. I like mac, I will probably continue to wear mac until I get ancient.

Just me, I love the shimmery colors that is what initially drew me into mac just the huge selection which I don't see at other cosmetic counters. As a teenager I was a huge fan of the matte look and I think I'd like to go back and find more matte eyeshadows. I am not overly wrinkled but I got into mac and makeup in general because I feel like I'm starting to "get older" - its scary thinking wow, I'm going to be one of those 30 somethings in a bit over a year.... being a needle phobic and too poor for plastic surgery - makeup holds a certain magic for me and really you can totally reinvent your "look" daily even in a subdued manner.

I do think the funky marketing really keeps me interested. mac is quirky and neat - thats what I like about it. I also love the packaging. As far as skincare I only use purity made simple, my skin is so oily that it is the only thing I've found that really works.


Well-known member
MAC's skincare is definately below par. It simply doesn't compare to other brands like Clinique, Lancome, etc. So I would say that I'd love to see them make a preventative eye cream, but the quality would probably suck. I'm still under 18 (please don't shoot me for adding to this thread!) but I use Estee Lauder's Resilence Lift Cream every night b/c I am already paranoid about wrinkles! My mom got an eye-job at 40 and want to try and prevent myself from needing one that soon. Me and my mom both wear MAC and love it although we love vey different colors. My mom, as a professional, can't wear Parfait Amour and Sushi Flower but she stills loves Dovefeather, Shadowy Lady, and other more neutral shadows. I think MAC does a good job promoting lines with more matue women. And yes, they airbrush them, but all models are airbrushed. I mean, the colors with Liza were very vibrant and bright. But for the most part i think MAC does a good job trying to offer products and targeting to older women. I'm not really sure what some people would like to see out of MAC? A line of makeup/skincare for mature gals might be nice. But I think MAC would have a hard time trying to promote both that, and some of the brighter, glittery colors. Also, some of you were saying that MAC isn't geared toward older women but other lines are, and you'd like to see MAC gear toward mature ladies more. But then I'd like to know, if MAC (hypethetically) gears toward older women, then what line will be left that caters to a younger, hip crowd? It would be nice to say that both lines could co-exisist peacefully. But it is my impression that MAC likes the majority of their stuff to be geared toward a younger crowd and a hip, fresh image. For me and many other teenagers, MAC is our staple brand. They have the most pigmented, funnest, bright colors. And they are more affordable than say Stila, Smashbox, Nars, etc. If MAC stopped promoting fun hip colors, where would we teens turn to for fun colors thats cheap, fun, and instyle?

P.S. I hope this post is in no way offenseful to anyone. I'm not trying to open up a can of worms, or insult anyone. i just wanted to add my two cents.
