Maybelline Color Tattoo Fall 2012 Limited Edition Collection + Video & Swatches


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Maybelline Fall 2012 Collection Lt Ed. Color Tattoos

Have any of you seen the Maybelline Fall 2012 Collection Lt Ed. Color Tattoos? They're GORGEOUS! LOL! I bought the entire display at Rite Aid. I've uploaded a video showing the product. Now I'll warn you.. What you're about to see is PRETTY Tempting! lol. You'll be running to the nearest Rite Aid. lol.

Here's the swatches of them, in case you don't want to see the video. :)



Well-known member
I managed to find three of the four new neutrals at a CVS in Philadelphia: Barely Beige, Gold Shimmer, and Rich Mahogany - i got the first two. But sadly no Mossy Green, which i really wanted.

There was a buy one, get one 50% off, so i picked up some of the original colors i didn't already have to make an even number. I haven't tested the new ones yet, but i have used several of the original colors i already have, and enjoy them. They really deliver color - i apply with a brush for deeper color and more even coverage.

I was hoping to find the new colors, too: Ready, Set, Green; Test My Teal; Blue On By; and Fuchsia Fever. But no dice, so i'm still looking. I want to get Test My Teal, which is actually teal-ish (unlike the original Tenacious Teal, which is actually turquoise) and Fuchsia Fever, which appears to be a little more purplish than pure fuchsia.