Mayor of your city/town and do you think they are doing a good job?


Well-known member
My mayor in the city (ATL) is Shirley Franklin. I gotta say this woman is incredible. I dont like a lot of her views but I gotta say this chick has pulled Atlanta outta of the waste that Bill Campbell put us in. She is an inspiration to every woman out there.


Well-known member
Mayor Street of Philly could be diong a way better job of getting crime off the streets. Philly is not really a safe place in a lot of neighborhoods after dark. That and our schools leave A LOT to be desired.

He also hires all his friends. :rollseyes:


Well-known member
hmm i just moved here in april.. i have absolutely no idea who our mayor is. although the mayor of my hometown must have been really good. they're making MAJOR changes.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
My mayor is all right. He doesn't screw things up, but he isn't helping the town progress. He's a huge step up from the last mayor who did screw things up.


Well-known member
I'm in Atlanta, too. Shirley Franklin is a huge improvement over Bill Campbell (sitting in the cushiest prison he could find!), but I certainly don't like her, enough to make me want to move outside city limits. I'm still in Atlanta, but now in Dekalb County. Much happier.


Well-known member
No comment.
But I'm thinking about moving to ATL in a few years, so that's good to know. Hopefully she'll still be there. If not, someone like her.

Originally Posted by youbeabitch
My mayor in the city (ATL) is Shirley Franklin. I gotta say this woman is incredible. I dont like a lot of her views but I gotta say this chick has pulled Atlanta outta of the waste that Bill Campbell put us in. She is an inspiration to every woman out there.