Meaningful and Vivid Dreams


Well-known member
So after reading about the dream thestarsfall had, I was wondering: have any of you ladies ever had dreams that were so incredibly vivid that you remembered them in detail long after you had them: dreams that were decipherable? I have had this happen to me on a few occasions and it never ceases to amaze me when it does happen.

I will post my dream in a bit


Well-known member
Oh God, yes, all the time.

And all the dreams always, always include an "ex" of mine. I write them down in my journal the next morning. A lot of them have some form of intimate activity in them.
I'm trying really hard not to read too much into them. For obvious reasons, haha. They're also kind of violent and rather surreal (think being stuck in a Picasso or Monet painting). I wake up the next morning in this "haze" and I pretty much obsess about the dream all day.


Well-known member
i dream very vividly, clear pictures that usually make me think about them long after they have happened. sometimes, i dream about people/events and then i see them/they happen soon after.
dream analysis is usually helpful. think about what the dream may symbolize to you, and how that affects your life now...sometimes it helps me sort out things


Well-known member
every night i do and i usally still remember them a few days later have no idea what they mean though last night i had a dream i came home with my mum and dad and this man popped up and said he was 'mad-- from surrey' (a place in the UK i can't remember his name) and he came down the stairs and i started hittin him on the head continusely with one of my work shoes lol
how odd
usually my dreams are all mixed up like if i dream about someone it will be them but in a different body

ive also had happen that in real life something will happen and i get a feeling of deja vu and i think ive dreamt about it before

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