meanings of paintings?!?!


Well-known member
I have to do 7 essays! on some paintings and im trying to find information on what some of the paintings meanings are and what the artist is trying to say. I been looking online and has found nothing. Anyone know any good sites that may have it or any books that may explain some of the paintings that I cant understand?


Well-known member
well here are some pictures of the paintings:
this one is by Francis Bacon
this is by Philip Evergood
Like these paintings...I been trying to find information about what the artist was trying to say in their paintings. but I cant find anything about it online. So I dont know if I should just go to Barnes and Noble and look them up but I was just wondering if any of you had any idea where I can find better information about artists thoughts about their own paintings and why they painted it.


Active member
you will probably need to try books, i find online just doesnt have enough information when i do my research.

you could also try lookign up general artbooks, those huge ones, taht talk about maybe art movements, eras, time period and such? referring it to the year and time period of your paintings, as artists of a certain period/movement often had similar ideals in their works.

another suggestion, if your painting has heaps of strange objects or signs, could try looking for symbols. symbols in many paintings have meanings too, so that might give you a clue.

but are you trying to write a factual essay on the painting or is it personal interpretation?


Well-known member
Look into the time period the artwork was made- here is some info found on google:
Philip Evergood: Artists by Movement:
Social Realism
America, 1930's

Social Realism is a naturalistic realism focusing specifically on social issues and the hardships of everyday life. The term usually refers to the urban American Scene artists of the Depression era, who were greatly influenced by the Ashcan School of early 20th century New York.

Social Realism is somewhat of a pejorative label in the United States, where overtly political art, not to mention socialist politics, are extremely out of favor.
Artists by Movement:
Magic Realism
1943 to 1950's

Magic Realism is an American style of art with Surrealist overtones. The art is anchored in everyday reality, but has overtones of fantasy or wonder. The term was later also applied to the literary works of authors such as Jorge Luis Borges and Gabriel García Márquez.

Artists most commonly associated with the style are Paul Cadmus, Ivan Albright, Philip Evergood, and George Tooker. Andrew Wyeth is sometimes associated with this group, due to the vaguely mysterious nature of his landscapes and portraits. Always research the artist to help find some clues to the meanings of their works. Find out if it is "art for arts sake" vs. "art for experience" -

If its your personal interpretation- have fun and draw from the painting what you get out of it.


Well-known member
I hate doing that stuff. Isn't it pretty much your own personal interpretation though? or what the artist meant it to be? I'd personally just spew a bunch of b.s. out.


Well-known member
THE PHILLIP BACON LOOKS LIKE A STRUGGLE BETtween childhood and adulthood sort of. Did they have naughty stools back then? and look at how the stool looks like it has a bed post in the background? because it looks like a child and adult split in two and then merged. blah.


Well-known member
Yeah its kind of hard to determine what the artists are saying I went to barnes and noble and found some artist that my teacher talked about but not the ones that he put in our final exam essays! shucks! I have to write 7 papers on 7 different artists that my teacher has mentioned and I have to also explain how I relate to it so its hard! But I will deff. look into the meaning of the paintings name and symbols in the background.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by vloky
I hate doing that stuff. Isn't it pretty much your own personal interpretation though? or what the artist meant it to be? I'd personally just spew a bunch of b.s. out.

Quoting b-s from art critics/scholars is also a good idea too!

Best to try and find art history/theory books that discuss the artists' time periods and what trends of art were current in their time, and even in their location. This is something more suited to uni/college papers, high school papers wouldn't ask so much detail.

Try to get biographical books on the artists, and then check the bibliography - that will be a treasure trove of where to go for further information.


Well-known member
The problem is I have to find what the "artists" think of their own paintings. Its easy to interpret myself but its hard to find info about why the artist did that certain painting and what motivated them and what that painting meant. arg Im still stuck I cross my fingers and hope the library has more information! arg!