Medical Fun (personal)


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So I might have a tumor. *Dramatic pause for effect* I still have to make an appointment w/ a dr, so nothing’s official or anything. I’m just formulating some diagnosis of my own & after talking with the hospital’s Lactation Consultant, I think it’s pretty interesting. Since Bobby was born (mind you I didn’t breastfeed or pump) I’ve been producing milk. Not a lot, but some. Odd considering Bobby’s now 9. Lactation is a supply & demand game. There’s been absolutely no demand for my body to produce milk, so it’s basically inappropriate. There’s a fancy term for that as well – galactorrhea.

My periods are all over the place as well, I’ve never had a normal cycle. I had maybe 5 or 6 periods before I became pregnant with my son – so I didn’t get to establish a normal cycle to start with. Then after his birth I could skip months to even half a year without having one. For the past 3 months I’ve not had one. I’m not pregnant now btw. That’s another issue…I lost my virginity when I was 17 (I don’t count when I was raped at 14 ‘losing my virginity’, btw) up until now (I’m 24) & have virtually had complete unprotected sex for all the years in between without one pregnancy (& STD – thank God, gotta love those wild ‘back in the day’ days).

I have terrible headaches & some vision issues. So, initially I thought all of these things were unrelated. I haven’t been to a dr (gyno or otherwise) in an obscenely long time. Dave & I haven’t, until relatively recently, been financially okay to afford insurance. Plus the monthly trips to CO & lawyer/therapist fees to get Bobby back haven’t been cheap. I put my health on the back burner.

So, this past Saturday, I wake up with a terrible pain in my left breast. The whole thing feels, hot, achy, & really really tender. Being a lactation specialist, I’ve heard enough mom’s complain about mastitis. An infection that occurs when a milk duct is plugged (usually). There are also flu-like symptoms & fever that accompany mastitis. So, I talk to the LAC consultant & she starts asking me questions about my periods, etc & suggests that I see a dr. right away (I’m working on it, I just got health ins & conveniently they’re experiencing problems, so I have to wade through this mess with our benefits directors, blah blah). I might have a pituitary tumor.

Specifically it’s called Prolactinoma. It’s classified as a rare disease & its cause is unknown. Symptoms are: Cessation of menses (periods) not related to menopause, abnormal milk flow from the breast in a woman who is not pregnant or nursing (galactorrhea) infertility, decreased sexual interest, headache, visual changes. Pretty much, I fit the bill for those. I was thinking about the loss of libido that fits, too. I’m not trying to make the symptoms fit either, lol…I’m not wild about having a tumor.

By the way the prolactinomas are usually BENIGN. So that rules. They’re just masses that affect the way the pituitary gland does its thing. So everything gets out of whack.

Usually treatable by medication. If that’s not successful then they operate. The pituitary gland’s in the base of the brain, so I’m not wild about the possibility of the medication not working. Anywho that’s the new new with me lately. Just another chapter as Devin’s world turns :p


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Well-known member
Oh hon,

I know how you feel. Before they diagnosed me with hypthyroidism they initially thought I had prolactinoma. I went though all kinds of testing and after going through an MRI, turned out I didn't have it.

They're right, more than likely it's benign. My endocrinologist tried to burn that into my psyche so I wouldn't trip out about having a tumor if I in fact had it, heh. You will be fine.

You're right, we're so much alike it's uncanny


Well-known member
You're right, we're so much alike it's uncanny

I know...if we weren't different races I'd be convinced we were sisters. heh, as soon as I typed that Buddy just jumped on the desk & stuck his butt in my face. :p Thanks to both of you for the huggy smiles!


Well-known member
That sounds like a scary experience to be going through. But be tough, strong, and cry if you need to. Going through this experience will teach you new things about yourelf that you may have never explored before.
Good luck girl!


Well-known member
This won't sound like much in the sense of support but its amazing what the mind can do:

A popular Doctor specialising in cancer in Australia went over the radio proclaiming that the best cure for cancer is a positive mind!

A Dr for more than 35 years he had seen thousands of patients come and go through his doors. After many years he started to think regularly "Why them and not me"?

He claimed that it was almost as though he had wished it upon himself and it came true. He was diagnosed with a brain tumor.

Now since retired he went on the air and proclaimed that the mind it truly the most powerful thing in the universe! He now refuses to think negativley and that he KNOWS that he will get better. He is currently fighting strong and I believe the last test showed positive signs! (This was a few months ago now - you may be able to google it but I have forgotten his name - He was a regular on AM radio)

Someone once said at a lecture I attended "Our minds are a little like the internet. If you type in 'healthy' into the search engine, you will only get results that have to do with being healthy. What happens if all you type in is 'unhealthy'?"

As strange as this may sound it makes sense to only try and think positivley. What have you got to lose? As what on earth will thinking negativley really accomplish or help with besides making you feel worse?

These words got me through a tough time in my life. I only hope that it can help you in some small way


Well-known member
This has got to be making you crazy while you are waiting. I wish the best for you!

I got to reading several of your other posts and we have so much in common that I thought I was reading about myself!


Well-known member
Thank you all so much for the support! Well, I'm still trying to figure out what's going on with my insurance, but good news! My boobie stopped hurting *yay* I'm thankful for small miracles these days, lol. So at least I don't have to be in pain while I wait for my insurance issues to unfuckify themselves.
Thanks again, you all mean the world to me!