Melaniumom's vintage glamour look is sooo gorgeous! PLEASE HELP!


Well-known member

I think they are two slightly different looks.


She is soooo beautiful! I was looking through her myspace and fell in love with this!!! I tried PMing her to ask what she used but I haven't heard from her in a while, which is fine, but I've really been dying to know how to get these looks! I love everything! The lips, the eyes, please help me identify some similar preferably mac colours! Obviously I wouldn't look as good but hey lol.


Well-known member
I think this is gorgeous! I don't know about the lips, but I would probably try something like knight divine on the top and bottom lid, silver ring in and above crease, vanilla to highlight, engraved powerpoint...

i think these are both the same application with different photoshop effects applied (though her part is on different sides, so maybe one was flipped *shrugs*)


Well-known member
Blacktrack rimmed around the eye, Moth Brown packed heavily, Carbon to deepen. The lips in the first one look like a warmer version of Rocking Chick lipstick, in the second one possibly Spice It Up! lipstick. It's hard to tell because her Photoshopping is pretty clumsy, most of the colour has been badly blown out.

Maybe I'm just old or something, but when I see those pictures I don't think 'vintage glamour', I think of a Robert Palmer video girl.