Microfine Refinisher for Acne?


Well-known member
My brother has pretty bad skin- it tends to just be concentrated on his cheeks and such, with the occasionaly nasty big one on his forehead or chin or nose. I feel sorry for him though, because everyone else in our family has never had this sort of problem! I don't know where he gets it from.
Anyways, I was reading all the raves on here about the Microfine Refinisher, so I was considering picking up one for him

But I don't know much on how to deal with skin liks his... I mean, his cheeks are literally covered with pimples/scars/scabs! I don't even know which! I think it's the scars that make it look so bad... but still.

Would using the microfine refinisher aggravate his skin? It tends to be kinda oily. I grabbed him and swiped my finger down his cheek and ended up going 'ewww...'. It wasn't like he was super shiny... but I definately got oil on my finger.
I've been giving him my cleansers to use for the time being- but I can't get any more of this one once it's gone (since they don't sell it over here!) Sooo I want to find something that he can use for himself, and is suited to his skin type

What about the Green Gel cleanser?

Any opinions?

Thank you!!


Well-known member
OOOH! Don't scratch the acne up!! It will only lead to horrible scarring... my suggestion is to get a set of Proactiv. I have been using it religiously, and I used to have cystic acne myself (yuck-o).
Proactiv has a tiny bit of exfoliants in it, but not enough to irritate your skin. I love that set, and for around US $50 it lasts me about 5 months!!!

Anyhow, good luck, and stay away from anything that scrapes or scratches those bumps. That's one way to have pockmarks, which are even more horrible later on. Hope this helps!

One more thing-if Proactiv is being used, remember to have him wear sunblock (Clinique make good face ones that are worth the $$) because it makes your skin more sensitive to light.


Well-known member
Just my opinion, because I don't know anything about your situation or your brother's (maybe he's already tried this), but I had cystic acne like that myself, when I was younger. I went to the doctor for it -- and with a bit of help from some retin-A-micro and an antibiotic cream, my skin was remarkably clearer. It was actually cheaper than Proactiv would be because of the insurance covering nearly all of it. I recommend at least trying a dermatologist first

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