Motif - need help!


Well-known member
Hi ladies. I was just reading the 'so underrated' thread and notice that a lot of you love Motif. I loved it in the pan and bought it, but now that I have it, i find that it just makes me a look a bit yellowly and sallow.


I have tried the combinations on that big list that floats around the place, but still can't make it work for me. I would love you all forever if you could throw me a bone and give me some suggestions for killer combinations using Motif!

For reference, I am blonde, NC25 and hazel/mostly greenish eyes.

Thanks in advance!!

poppy z

Well-known member
Motif is one of my fav e/s. I put motif with orange e/s, my pinks, for exemple motif +sushi flower.


Well-known member
I like motif with any pink shadow, or with melon pigment. Golden lemon with motif is nice too, I would put motif in the outer V and golden lemon pigment on the lid. Still a very yellow-based look but maybe you can try some combos!

good luck, its a very interesting color.


Well-known member
I like to do it in the inner corners, with Juxt in the outer corners, Paradisco in the crease, and Nylon under the brow. I call it my "citrus spalsh" eye cause it looks like tropical fruit colors! (I know I'm weird....!)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Marcita
Try it with Star Violet, it's unusual but pretty.

Thank you! Star Violet is my current favourite, so I'll definitely try it out!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ledonatella
I like to do it in the inner corners, with Juxt in the outer corners, Paradisco in the crease, and Nylon under the brow. I call it my "citrus spalsh" eye cause it looks like tropical fruit colors! (I know I'm weird....!)

Not weird at all - sounds like a great idea to me!! I'm definitely going to try this one out, i'm a huge fan of light colours on the inner corners


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kat
Not weird at all - sounds like a great idea to me!! I'm definitely going to try this one out, i'm a huge fan of light colours on the inner corners

Just wanted to say a belated thank you for that suggestion. I FINALLY tried it out today and it's fantastic.


Well-known member
Thanks for posting this I too have motif and cannot make it work for me either

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