Hmmm... I say do whatever you thinks best for you and your child even if that means leaving him. You can only wait for someone for so long until you get tired of waiting and decide to move forward on your own. I think if he really wanted to move then it would of already happened. He's probably really comfortable at his parents and doesn't really see the need to move out and pay bills and be responsible which is pretty sad being this he's a dad. It just sounds like he's not ready to grow up and live in the real world and handle his priorites. His parents probably baby him and that's why he's lagging on finding a 2nd job. I say you give him a time frame. Either step it up and find the 2nd job and show he wants to be with you and your daughter or else...
If he still doesn't by whatever time you give him, then I think you know what you need to do. I know it's something you probably don't want to think about but like I said earlier, you have to do what's best for you and your daughter!
Hope everything works out for you hun, just have to be strong for you daughter, it's not about you anymore...