MSF-WARMED? Is this new, upcoming, sample, or working name?


Well-known member
Hey i found this lot on eBay which has a MSF called "warmed". The seller even writes what they know about it and they seem unsure if its an old working name, a new one, or even just a sample! I was thinking it might be Global Glow (i guess thats where they got "warmed") but the pic looks dark, almost like metal rock! What do you guys think?

Removed ebay link as per the Specktra TOS (no ebay links outside of the counterfeit forum). If you're curious, the auction is #280178344965. - Lara


Well-known member
So you think its new?? I can't wait for some new MSF's!

and i saw Pleasureflush on eBay right now....i always thought i was a pale, almost champagne colour from the pics i've seen but the one listed looks pinky! I don't see the fuss over that one LOL


Well-known member
It says it's an MSF Natural, but that doesn't look anything like the natural ones...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HOTasFCUK
So you think its new?? I can't wait for some new MSF's!

and i saw Pleasureflush on eBay right now....i always thought i was a pale, almost champagne colour from the pics i've seen but the one listed looks pinky! I don't see the fuss over that one LOL

i am pretty sure its a whitey pink (since you can apparently get the same effect with vanilla and pink opal pigments)!


No, it's not a new one. This person is selling training samples from a previous launch. They are sometimes packaged in boxes that say other names (like MSF Natural).

"Zanzibar" was the working name for Global Glow so it's def. not that.


Well-known member
Aren't you guys suspicious when you find stuff like that? I mean how does the seller get early access to a product they don't know about?


Well-known member
Actually people that work in MAC (head office) do get there hands on some stuff and many of the girls on here who know insider info confirm these things. Many products have a working name and usually get changed before they are released. I remember seeing that Zanzibar MSF and it turned out to be Global Glow, like mentioned above. Its also a bit more real because
they haven't (yet) made fake MSF's!


Well-known member
Yeah I remember I bought an MSF called 'BORA BORA' on Ebay..and later found out it was the working name of Gold spill from Flashtronic. It might be a new one, it looks too light to be Metal Rock. It's definitely not a Natural MSF, I have all of them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MisaMayah
Yeah I remember I bought an MSF called 'BORA BORA' on Ebay..and later found out it was the working name of Gold spill from Flashtronic. It might be a new one, it looks too light to be Metal Rock. It's definitely not a Natural MSF, I have all of them.

Yes!!! I remember seeing that on eBay! I was going to bid on that & the Zanzibar one but i got scared. I should've because i remember they sold for really cheap!!


Well-known member
i know this particular person who sells warmed msf. its sample. she's selling it to me. but i told her that i dont want the sample.


Well-known member
How come you don't want the sample? Sometimes MAC marks them as samples just because its not "official" with the name they have chosen for the time being! Also, i heard a lot of products marked as sample never even make it to the LE lines or the stores so you could really have something rare!! If you can, post pics!!! We are all hoping for new MSF's!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by color_lover456
Aren't you guys suspicious when you find stuff like that? I mean how does the seller get early access to a product they don't know about?

Absolutely! I always wonder that too.


Well-known member
Well there are a couple of new MSF's coming out with a collection called 'N Collection' at the start of Feb so it could be one of those?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by miss_emc
Well there are a couple of new MSF's coming out with a collection called 'N Collection' at the start of Feb so it could be one of those?

A couple? Is this 2 or more than 2? Any repromotes?


Well-known member
I heard somewhere on here that it might be a collection like gold play where they released 6 MSF's a few years back!!! I'm really hoping for this!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HOTasFCUK
I heard somewhere on here that it might be a collection like gold play where they released 6 MSF's a few years back!!! I'm really hoping for this!!!

Here's hoping....