my 3D glass is not hot


Well-known member
so, i haven't worn lightswitch in months because it's in the traincase that's buried under three other traincases. i decided last week that i absolutely MUST wear lightswitch, so i pulled it out and found it not how i left it. it like...seperated or something. there's the pink colouring and it looks all goopy, and then some really runny liquid towards the top of the tube. it still wears like it used to, it just looks nasty in the tube. what the hell happened to him?


Well-known member
That's odd. I had heard of Lip Varnishes doing that, but not 3D. Does it smell like it turned bad? None of my 3Ds did that. Maybe you got one from a bad batch.


Well-known member
Thats so weird, yesterday I noticed the same thing about my lightswitch lg & it has happened to all of my lip varnish glosses. But they do still wear ok & don't smell odd at all.

BTW...Secret BPB looks great on you! I just saw it in the swatch thread


Well-known member
Yeah, that's happened to me a couple of times with other l/gs. They still smell OK, and once I mix them back up again, they look just fine.


Well-known member lipglasses separate like that because I store all of them upside down. I just stir and use.


Well-known member
it still smells good, so i guess he's still good to go? thanks for your replies, ladies. i've never seen this happen to one of my lip products before so i was kind of like wtf.