My baby is going to school :( Kindergarten already?!?!


Well-known member
Here is Logan and I yesterday morning, on his first day of kindergarten. It was meet the teacher day... I am dreading Monday, his first full day, without me.
Isn't he just so handsome?!?!

(and the play gun didn't go to school with us, but he insisted in having it in the pics



Well-known member
Oh my, he really is a handsome fella!

I feel your pain... I am already having a meltdown about my daughter going off to kindergarten, and she's only 1.

My beloved niece is going to kindergarten next week, too, and my SIL is so stressed. She works at the same school where Clare will be going, but only Tues, Wed and Thurs. Despite the fact that they are 2 blocks away from school, Clare has INSISTED that she will be taking the bus on Mondays and Fridays, including the 1st day of school. I think I'm sending SIL some flowers on Monday...

Good luck and congratulations on having a big boy! Get a bottle of wine and get drunk to survive the day.


Well-known member
he's a cutie

I remember getting my boys off on the school bus for the first time .. I swear I couldn't stop crying

great picture


Well-known member
He's a cutie! He got your cheeks so pretty!

My 5 year old daughter is going to Kindergarten too. She loves her new friends and her new teacher. I'm sure he'll be the same.


Active member
He is so adorable! I have a little girl who will be four in a couple of weeks and she is going to preschool next year. She has a late birthday so she won't go to kindergarten until she is almost six. She is so excited and I am devistated. I have been home with her since she was born and this is a big step. I know how you feel I really think it's harder on us mommys.


Well-known member
WOW I know how you feel. My daughter is 3 1/2 and she is starting Pre K tomorrow. Me and my husband has been talking to her about the whole school thing but I think I'm more nervous then she is. I think it is just the mothers that make a deal about leaving their "babies". I'm sure your son will do great in school!


Well-known member
awww i feel for you my daughter's only 8 months old and i'm freaking out about her dating already!!

he is a good lookin little guy hope he had fun!