My bunny had babies, but one died




There's the healthy one. The other one was hidden under a towel and we didn't know she was there until it was too late. I'm assuming it suffocated. We buried it in the backyard in a nice blanket, some of her mom's fur, and a banana chip.
Baby Bunny


Well-known member
aww poor bunnies. However, just a heads up ..i started out with two bunnies and then 10 bunnies then 25 and then 50 and then about 100 bunnies that were out in the yard. We ended up giving them away to this rabbit lady lol. So get ur bunnies fixed before it too late! lol


Well-known member
Awwww I love bunnies but I'm pretty sure I'm allergic to fur. I can stand to be around animals, cuddle with kitties and wrestle with my boyfriend's dogs. But more than a night or two with them and I can feel it. I think bunnies are so snuggly but I hear they bite? I'm sure it just depends on the rabbit.


Well-known member
I'm sorry for your loss. My sister's bunny had babies too. She has 2 adult males and 2 adult females. one of the females had 4 babies, 3 died that day and the other died the next next day, I was gonna take care of the one that lived cause the mama didn't want them but he died under my care I felt so responsible for his death it still makes me sad. Then the next day her other female had 1 baby and it died too also one of the males died, I think that the other male must have felt threatened (sp?) and killed the other male. We called the vet and they said that if it's the 1st time they have babies that more than likely all the babies will die.