My cat Meows everymorning non stop! except on weekends...


Well-known member
I dont know whats wrong with my kitty every morning at 6 in the morning she comes near my room and meows non stop i feed her food she still meows...i tried playing with her and putting her in my blankets cause she likes that...she still makes a lot of noise. But its weird she doesnt do that during the weekends haha. I dont know if she trying to wake me up to get ready for school or what but i can never get any good sleep! Is it because she is bored or maybe she needs another companion? or is it normal for cats to do that.


Well-known member
What time do you normally get up for school? Or perhaps work? If your schedule previously had you waking up at that hour on a regular basis, she may indeed be attempting to wake you up. I know mine lets me know when it's past my bedtime!

Is her litter clean? That's another common reason for constant meowing. Generally my order of things to check when mine is being meowy is:
water (fresh?)
time of day
just being meowy to annoy the silly human


Well-known member
haha yeah on some days i wake up at 8 or 9 in the morning so it could just be a wake up call haha its so weird she only does it during the week days too. I just wanted to make sure if it wasnt something wrong. but thanks for the advice!


Well-known member
LOL, my dog does this too, (not meow, of course, but bug me awake) everyday but sunday, which is the only day that I don't have to get up for anything at any particular time. I've figured out that she does it when my alarm goes off, which I tend to snooze until the end of creation, and she bugs me until I wake up.


Well-known member
haha yeah for the last couple days she been waking me up at 5 in the morning now! But "lovemichelle" that does remind me that I havent let my cat play outside for awhile maybe that could be the case!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Pink_minx
haha yeah for the last couple days she been waking me up at 5 in the morning now! But "lovemichelle" that does remind me that I havent let my cat play outside for awhile maybe that could be the case!

It really helps. My cat sleeps all night now and doesn't whine in the mornings. Sometimes he likes to run out at night though and I gotta keep a look out because he likes to start fights with other cats.


Well-known member
Haha! My guinea pig did the same thing to me! When I had to wake up for school he always woke me up at 7 am becaue he wanted to have his vitamin pill! And of coure he ignored the fact that human beings have holidays or weekends where they can sleep as long as they want!


Well-known member
Yeah my cat does that EVERY morning at 5am. shes just bored from sleeping all night and wants to play so she meows and bites me. shes turns into a little bitch so i have to keep throwing her off the bed (im too lazy to get up and put her outside at 5am) then she gets pissed and starts tearing up my screen door and curtains until i get up. shes insane