my child the food thrower!


Well-known member
every day at dinner time my daughter throws food ALL over the floor (times like these makes me wish i had a dog)

anyone know what i can do??? my dining room is carpeted and she's ruining it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by queenofdisaster
every day at dinner time my daughter throws food ALL over the floor (times like these makes me wish i had a dog)

anyone know what i can do??? my dining room is carpeted and she's ruining it!

haha .. girls..

maybe put a tarp down or plastic something or other.. and then get a dog!

Another Janice!

Well-known member
lol...bust her ass.

Then put down one of those big plastic squares offices use for rolling computer chairs under her chair.

We have 2 of those in our computer room. They are super durable and super easy to clean!


Well-known member
hey , I have seen some big plastic type squares that go under high chairs especially for the darling food throwers. I have seen them at babies R US or target .They have elmo, dora etc...
or you can just buy some plastic table cloth and place it around the area.
HTH =)


Well-known member
Definitely put down a plastic tarp...she'll outgrow that behavior soon enough...hang in there!


Well-known member
Tell her she only gets a certain amount of food and that if she throws it she doesn't get to eat that meal. She'll get hungry and eat. This might not work depending on how old she is and what kind of dicipline you prefer to use.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Another Janice!
lol...bust her ass.


lmao oh my husband does... that good old texan discipline... lol!
he just started putting her to bed early w/ no snack. (we eat dinner early, usually around 4 or 5 pm so i usually give her a snack before bed.)

oh, and the hubby is the disciplinary action fiigure. i'm too much of a softie unless she's purposely defiant, talks back or slaps me, which happens rarely. but when it comes to little things, like bad habits she's developing, he knows how to break them-quick.


Well-known member
i do not know how old she is but if she is young a punishment which happens after the behavior may not register...ex no snack before bed

is she eating food first and then throwing? maybe she eats until full, or tired of the same food and then throws it because she has no way of communicating that she is full/no disire to eat same food...try feeding her smaller portions, if she throws do not give her anymore food....

when placing the food infront of her remind her that 'food goes in the mouth' or 'food stays of the floor' instead of saying 'no' when she throws the food on the floor

if you can see if you can find a book about mealtimes. if there is a good one out there it will outline that food does not go on the floor. read this before each mealtime.


Well-known member
lol i'm a royal asshole. we have discussed that. my hubby thinks she's old enough and i really don't but i go along with it anyway. he only did that once b/c i had a hard time with to tbh.

and i think you're right about her not being able to communicate that she is tired or full. she doesn't talk yet. so i have been trying to work with her just like you suggested by trying to show her that the food doesn't go on the floor. i remember that whole "no" thing from my parenting class. just saying "no" doesn't work b/c it's such a broad thing. you have to actually explain why it's wrong and why they shouldn't do it. i think :confused:

but actually, i'm trying sign. just the basic stuff like "more", "hungry", "milk", "please", "thank you" and "full"

i hope that it helps me out a little bit.

thank you so much for all of your opinions. i hope to incorporate all the advice i get into my routines... maybe i'll get some kind of result????

thanks everyone


Well-known member
Hope it works! She's probably frustrated that she can't tell you what she wants... She's kind of young to be doing it just to be a brat. Lol.


Well-known member
Layla used to do this rather frequently, so I'd take her out, and say "all done". That really pissed her off.. over time she stopped because she likes sitting in her high-chair and feeding herself. She will use her full plate as a frisbee every now and then, but not too often.


Well-known member
I used a tarp when my daughter was younger. My DF's mother used to place her youngest in the bathroom to eat (no joke) because she was THAT bad! LOL.

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