My dodgy hair cut


Well-known member
So about a month ago i got my hair cut at a recommended salon and they pretty much butchered my fringe. I could have cried it was soo bad, it was so much shorter and just hideous.

This is it grown out a bit (photos taken at 1am after work lol)


As you can tell it's very uneven and doesn't even go with how my hair naturally falls. Though I think when its completely grown out i'll get it cut with a more fuller and even fringe.

Though I have to say I love my ghd straightener, love love love.


Well-known member
Oh my god, did you complain to them?! I would of shouted and screamed until they fixed it!


Well-known member
yeah but sometimes having them fix their mistake turns into a worst disaster, like 1/2 " bangs ...I just wouldn't have paid for it ...But I would have RAN out never to look back! Hopefully it will grow out fast for you.


Well-known member
I had a horrible hair cut during the summer too. I feel your pain. at least you can still pin the back right?


Well-known member
If you want it to grow out faster I suggest taking Biotin vitamins.
I feel your pain about having those short bangs,it's the reason I will never leave my hair stylist until the day she quits!


Well-known member
was she trying to do a different bang? like side swept or razored? Did they thin them out also? I hope your hair grows fast, just fluff them with your hands so they arent in a straight line across your forhead.

i let a friend of mine cut my hair a few months ago..(7 to be exact
) and my poor butchered hair is still trying to gain life and volume again. She meant well but seriously she over razored my hair and over thinned it it was so shaggy for the longest time, it barely taking on a regular shape now...uuuggghh..


Well-known member
Ouch! i'm sorry to hear about this. i hope you complained like no tomorrow.
It always seems that the "reccommended" salons turn out to be the worst. I went to get a short shoppy cut (brought in pictures) and he gave me an a-symetrical with two rat tails. he was really weird and wanted to "get a free for the hair". After i asked him to cut the rat tails off he just made them shorter. Oh, and i had to wait an hour after my schedualed appointment time cause there was photoshoot going on there.
Anyway, i wouldnt wear them straight across. It shows off the uneven cut. keep them sideswept or pinned up if you can. they should be grown out in another month or so. then you can cut them properly.


Well-known member
I'm the biggest push over so i didn't complain, plus my cousin is an apprentice there so i'd hate to cause any problems for her.

It was probably half that length when i first got it cut, it was so short i couldn't even pin parts of it back without it being a 1cm from my hair line. I just now tease it and pin it back and will so till the shortest parts are longer and can get a more fuller fringe.

I was so devastated, it just looks like i've gotta learn how to cut my own hair because people in my town just don't have the skills. she decided she'd thin it out (i dunno why, i have fine hair anyway). I'm just glad my fringe generally grows out fast.


Well-known member
mine does too. i mean, bangs arent hard to cut! i cut mine all the time, so why cant a professional do them properly. did she apologize and realize she screwed up? or did she think it was a dandy job?


Well-known member
She thought her job was fine and none of the other hair dressers even commented. Like i would ask for my hair to be cut like that, hell if i wanted that I'd do it myself.


Well-known member
Oh hun I feel your pain I hope it grows quickly for you, I would not be going back to that salon, pin it back with some cute clips or a nice hair band until it grows back


Well-known member
If someone does this to me... I don't want to know what I'll do... I'll probably scream and refuse to pay. I had a bad haircut when I was young. The haircut was really bad and I just kept crying when I looked at myself in the mirror. When I find a hairstylist I really like, I'll go to him/her all the time. That's why I don't mind paying so much money to have my hair cut at Toni & Guy.

I hope your hair grows quickly.