My eyelid is swollen :(


Well-known member

This past week I put my contact lenses in every day and a bit of e/s and mascara on every day. I clean my brushes every 2 weeks, I clean my contact lenses every day and wash my face before I go to sleep, but I woke up today with a swollen inner upper eyelid. It kind of hurts too.

Does anyone else get this and have any idea what may be causing it? I'm thinking perhaps I didn't get all of the makeup off even though I thought I did and it caused irritation? Blah! I seem to be prone to these. I have gotten this before.


Well-known member
My eyelids have randomly swollen before... and I can't say anything "caused" it that I know of. Last time, the doctor said I had pink eye and prescribed me some drops. Usually it just goes away and I don't go to the dr, but last time it lasted a while. Clean your brushes & MU real good, replace your mascara (once your eye troubles are over) and all should be well. A warm compress will help, too. Good luck, I hope it goes away in a couple days, if not, you might want to see an eye doctor.


Well-known member
I had something like that, and it ended up being an allergic reaction. I accidentally rubbed mold in my eye. Definitely go see the doctor if the swelling does not subside after a couple of days, or if it gets worse.


New member
My eyelid got swollen when i used the MAC eye makeup remover, i must have put too much on the cotten pad & it got into my eye. i thought everything was fine until i woke up with a red swollen eyelid..didnt go away for almost 3 days. The Dr said i clogged something in my eye..


Well-known member
Be honest, did you cry a lot last night?? Everytime I have a big cry session, the next morning I look like hell!! I can't believe I am posting this on the internet, but this is how bad it gets!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by MUALindsay
My eyelids have randomly swollen before... and I can't say anything "caused" it that I know of. Last time, the doctor said I had pink eye and prescribed me some drops. Usually it just goes away and I don't go to the dr, but last time it lasted a while. Clean your brushes & MU real good, replace your mascara (once your eye troubles are over) and all should be well. A warm compress will help, too. Good luck, I hope it goes away in a couple days, if not, you might want to see an eye doctor.

That's what i was going to say...Pink eye


Well-known member
Originally Posted by purrtykitty
I had something like that, and it ended up being an allergic reaction. I accidentally rubbed mold in my eye. Definitely go see the doctor if the swelling does not subside after a couple of days, or if it gets worse.

What did they do for the mold?


Well-known member
Well My eye got better...I am pretty sure I might have a mascara allergy. It seems to happen after I use mascara no matter which brand I have tried.
I might try Ocusoft next since it seems it is for sensitive eyes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by JENJ5001
What did they do for the mold?

I dried the carpet with a fan, and it's fine for now. Plan is to rip it up at some point. The allergy eye drops worked really well and it cleared up in a couple of days.

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