My eyeshadow application is all wrong...I think.


Well-known member
Okay so my eyeshadow has been buggin me lately. I've learned that it takes time to blend, and to use little circles instead of wiping. I think I've been doing okay. But lately its like, I can't get it shaped properly. I took some pictures (please excuse the poor quality, they are on my cell phone)


(don't know why it looks so faded her, it wasn't)


(don't know why it looks so unblended here, lol)

Do you see what I mean? I feel like my dark color goes out too much. And sometimes it feels too high up near my eyebrow too. I can never get both eyeballs to be the same. One will be like an inch away from my brow, and the other one will be like half an inch away from it lol. I'm going to show you what it looked like before....I kept putting vanilla pigment over the dark shadow to try to fix it.


My eyeshadow was pointing out to a V like that. Like weird V's. Like, I know you have an outer V, but it shouldn't look all pointy. I feel like an alien sometimes..(especially since I wear glasses, my eyeshadow sticks out all funny...)

Am I making any sense? can anyone help me?


Well-known member
I think you should go to youtube some people have some awesome videos or to she has a blending tutorial that helped me out alot. If you need any help feel free to pm me I would be happy to help.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by laguayaca
I think you should go to youtube some people have some awesome videos or to she has a blending tutorial that helped me out alot. If you need any help feel free to pm me I would be happy to help.

yes i agree.. it helped me ALOT !!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by laguayaca
Ohh and might I add it has I think alot to do with your brushes! Which ones are you using?

I use adesign brushes


Well-known member
from personal experience it takes practise. Are you aware of the eye parts? Like lid (inner, mid and outer), crease (inner or outer), this might help you with the application of es.

I also agree that watching tutorials and looking at fotd's help a lot!

Also when you are applying es dont sweep the brush on your lid, just pat it on your lid to dispose as much colour possible. When you are applying your creae colour dab the es on your crease and then blend it in circular motion.

Good luck.


Well-known member
It helps too, to place your color with firmer brushes and then blend with your fluffier ones.


Well-known member
Im not hating the shape of it, its a winged eyeshadow shape and i actually do a lot of looks like that, it depends how dramatic. When I teach people how to do their eyeshadow I tell them to keep in mind the "cresent" or moon shape. You may be using too much shadow, so when you blend it up your eyelid, theres so much product that you have to blend it up too high. Try starting out with less shadow in your crease


Well-known member
I guess I just need more practice. I know where the parts of the eye are, I think I just don't place the shadow there.

I usually do apply the shadow with a firm brush, but its hard figuring out which brush to use for what when you have 8 eye brushes lol. I don't use a fluffy brush to blend though, i was told to use a firm brush. I'll keep trying!


That should be where my dark color is, no? Not higher than that....?


Well-known member
it takes a lot of practice.. hell im no where near good, but i like tutorials.

and if it looks like its fading.. i would try a base like UDPP.


Well-known member
In my own opinion (I'm not saying I'm right, but I have rounder eyes like you), the winged outer part is too up on the eye, and your lower eye liner is very stark, and since it doesn't go from corner to corner, it looks a bit out of place. I think smudging it slightly into your lashline and having the line not so thick would accent your eyes better.
I would try using a smudge brush (CVS Essence of Beauty ones are great, and they sell them in packs of two for $5 I think) to apply your crease shade more exactly; that way, you can blend it out with a lighter color and not have it so far away from your crease. Also, in those pictures, your lid color looks really stark, and then your crease/outer color is super dark; maybe you could try using a mid-tone on your lid so they blend together better?

This is all purely my opinion, but I would try out those brushes and play around to find what you like. =]


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xmrsvindieselx
it takes a lot of practice.. hell im no where near good, but i like tutorials.

and if it looks like its fading.. i would try a base like UDPP.

I use UDPP. I just meant in that picture it looked faded. My cell phone sucks

Originally Posted by liv
In my own opinion (I'm not saying I'm right, but I have rounder eyes like you), the winged outer part is too up on the eye, and your lower eye liner is very stark, and since it doesn't go from corner to corner, it looks a bit out of place. I think smudging it slightly into your lashline and having the line not so thick would accent your eyes better.
I would try using a smudge brush (CVS Essence of Beauty ones are great, and they sell them in packs of two for $5 I think) to apply your crease shade more exactly; that way, you can blend it out with a lighter color and not have it so far away from your crease. Also, in those pictures, your lid color looks really stark, and then your crease/outer color is super dark; maybe you could try using a mid-tone on your lid so they blend together better?

This is all purely my opinion, but I would try out those brushes and play around to find what you like. =]

Again, my cell phone really sucks at taking good pictures. I don't think my lid color was too pale though...I used copperized pigment and black tied for the dark color. Copperized isn't really light....I think maybe it looked like such a big contrast because of my phone? Today i did coppering again but I used a brown shade instead of the black tied and it does look better.

I will be very pissed if its my brushes that have something to do with this. Adesign brushes aren't really cheap...I spent $100 on a big set that was normally over $200...I've tried CVS brushes but I hated them. I'll keep practicing.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by liv
I would try using a smudge brush (CVS Essence of Beauty ones are great, and they sell them in packs of two for $5 I think) to apply your crease shade more exactly; that way, you can blend it out with a lighter color and not have it so far away from your crease.

This is all purely my opinion, but I would try out those brushes and play around to find what you like. =]

I bought those brushes last night...They are different from any ones that i already have. I have to use them and tell you how I like them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
I bought those brushes last night...They are different from any ones that i already have. I have to use them and tell you how I like them.

Oh yay, I really like those. I hope they work for you, and I want to know what you think of them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
I use UDPP. I just meant in that picture it looked faded. My cell phone sucks

Again, my cell phone really sucks at taking good pictures. I don't think my lid color was too pale though...I used copperized pigment and black tied for the dark color. Copperized isn't really light....I think maybe it looked like such a big contrast because of my phone? Today i did coppering again but I used a brown shade instead of the black tied and it does look better.

I will be very pissed if its my brushes that have something to do with this. Adesign brushes aren't really cheap...I spent $100 on a big set that was normally over $200...I've tried CVS brushes but I hated them. I'll keep practicing.

Yeah, it must be the picture, then; it's hard to tell because cell phones don't really capture color/light balances well. =]


New member
There are a few things you could do but I think the most helpful would be to add in another color. Try using a "medium" shade that is between the two you are using. This medium shade would be your crease color. Try directing the color slightly above your crease because your crease is somewhat deep-set. Then apply the dark color in the "v" shape you created in the last pic you posted. Start the V small at first, then slowly add color lifting it up into the medium crease color as high or a low as you like. Hope this makes sense. Keep in mind, this is only one style of applying your eyeshadow, there are so many other ways to do it. Try mastering this technique with different color combos.
Another tip: the placement of the medium shade should be about where you have the dark shade in the first few pics.


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