My first gig!


I was asked to do hair & makeup for a calender shoot for a girl I know and her boyfriends two year anniversary. She and I are not super duper close, but we did go to high school together. A few minutes ago, I contacted her with my price of $50 bucks for both hair AND makeup. Mind you, she wants a lesson and I'm going to her house for the job. Now, I know it's my first time doing something of this magnitude, and I didn't wanna over charge her because, well, I'm new and should anything go wrong (god forbid
) then it won't be entirely bad because it was only $50. But, I'm afraid I may have just under sold my worth. What do you think?


Well-known member
Mainly it depends of where you live in my opinion... I would charge anywhere from 50 to 75$ for hair and makeup depending on the extent of the work, but I live in a suburb about an hour away from the metropole, and basically if I was living in the metropole I would be able to charge up to 150$ for that... In smaller towns people aren't willing to shell out that kind of money, while in big cities big fares are just expected I guess...

So if you're starting out, 50$ sounds good, and you can always increase your prices once you gain experience!!


Well-known member
Congrats babe! So happy for you.
$50 is a good rate depending on where you live and if you are just starting out. Personally I tend to charge all my models that price for makeup alone, its affordable and will open the door to more gigs. Now if you book through a photog, definitely go for a half day or day rate, that way they have you for a set of time, but your getting money's worth for you work.
Good luck!
So excited for you!


Location...I never considered that to be an aspect. Good to know! Thanks for the well wishes, HeatherNicole and thanks for the advice to both of you!