My first Paint experience


Well-known member
I got Magrittes and was so pleased with it, it was the perfect colour for my natural lid look and wasn't flat and matte and it was lovely to apply, i'd been missing out on it!

...then i realsied at the end of the day that it was creasing my eye makeup
It wasn't too bad but it was bad enough that i coudln't just be ok about it. I really wanted to stop using UD as even though it does the job it does it TOOO well and makes my eye makeup look chalky sometimes. I'm going to apply some the mattyfying moisturiser i use on my face on my lid next time and then the paint to see if it makes a difference. I hope it does as i don't want to go back to UD.


Well-known member
I have used Mauvism with UD PP underneath it and didn't have any problems with creasing. I only use a smear of PP on both lids, let dry and then apply the paint very lightly.


Well-known member
now i'm curious....i know a lot of people use paints as a base. do people have issues with it creasing?


Well-known member
I bought Bare Canvas as I'd heard great things about it stopping shadow from creasing and fading. I really dont see a difference, in fact I think my makeup looks worse when I use it. When the holiday minis come out I'm going to try the Shadesticks and see if they work better.


Well-known member
Bare Canvas is a great base, but it creases on me in the heat/humidity. I'll try it again in the cooler weather, but for the most part it's going to be Lumene e/s base all the time.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Brianne
Bare Canvas is a great base, but it creases on me in the heat/humidity. I'll try it again in the cooler weather, but for the most part it's going to be Lumene e/s base all the time.

i didn't know there was a lumene e/s? was it discontinued?


Well-known member
I use Portraiture, Bamboom and other paints and I don't have any problems with creasing. My e/s apply and stay on like a dream whenever I use the paints. Some of the paints do seem to dry on my lids but they haven't dried my skin out. Then again, I don't wear make-up every day.

Oh, and I don't apply a lot of paint on my eyes either. Just a very thin smear.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by foreveratorifan
I dont experience creasing of any sorts with the sticks NOR the paints....

Yeah, me neither. I've never had a problem. On;y with CCB's. I'll never ever use those as a base again.


Well-known member
Never ever had a problem....but didn't put anything on before the Paint, either. It's kept my shadow on in high heat/humidity here in Kansas summertime. And I can sleep in it & it's still not creased the next day....all day. I don't seem to have a problem with dry eyelids, because if I don't use a base my eyeshadow creases & that's why I'm so absolutely hooked on this stuff now. I use the ones with more color by themselves when I'm just around the house, because they're so natural & don't crease or look like I have eyeshadow on if it weren't for the shading.


Well-known member
I find that paints don't crease on my disgustingly oily lids (oily of course only when m/u is applied on them...groan!) but I do get the chalky eye makeup look which I don't at all like. The chalkiness is worst when the paint is shimmery; Naturalism is solid chocolate brown and I've never had that make anything look dry and chalky. I think Mauvism creased on me, but perhaps because I applied it very sparingly (was way too shimmery for my liking).

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