My husband makes fun of my Cool Heat Collection


Well-known member
So, I was lying down with my husband and we were doing our usual hug, tickle, play thing that we do when he gets home from work. We lie down, hug each other for about 20 minutes and talk about our day and then we always end up in a tickle fight. Stupid I know.

Well, tonight, he was in the middle of saying something and I was spooning him from behind. I decided to bite him on his waist because he is so ticklish there. He ended up having a kneejerk reaction and accidentally elbowed me right in the eyeball. I freaked out b/c I have to host open houses tomorrow.

I said, "What the hell am I supposed to do about this black eye at my open houses tomorrow?" His response was: "Why don't you cover it with all that pretty green makeup you just bought? Hahahahahah!" He thought he was freaking hilarious. Isn't he sweet?


Well-known member
lol! "all that green makeup"
My husband and I were at the MAC store a few days ago and he was doing his usual stroll around, not making eye contact with any of the makeup, but occasionally poking something, with his hands in his pockets. We passed the cool heat set-up and he was like, "hey, theres all that stuff."
haha, men.
how's your eye??


Well-known member
It's swollen and red. I pray I don't have a black eye. I will die!! I can totally see your husband strolling around poking at things and calling makeup "stuff". They just don't get it. Mine always refers to makeup as "stuff". That is too funny!! You should see him on a shoe shopping spree with me. I actually think it physically hurts him. I no longer request his presence on any shopping trips and I think I'm better off for it!!!


Well-known member
Well heres to hoping your eye is ok tomorrow morning. Make sure to ice it tonight. That was a pretty funny story and that is too cute that you cuddle everyday when he gets home. Awww.......


Well-known member
He is a sweetie, but he never stops talking. It is friggin' nonstop. He's talking right now about the benefits of memory foam mattresses and totally ignoring the fact that I'm on the internet.

He just informed me that if we ever have to sleep on the ground then we would need to dig a hole for our ass.

I told you, he talks ALL THE TIME... But, he is funny and I love him.


Well-known member
Sheesh. Mine tells me "there you go again putting on makeup. If I were you I wouldnt waste my time putting it on" Men I tell u LOL. I take like 1 hr or more putting on my makeup LOL hey only time to myself!!!!


Well-known member
That's so cute.

My hubby loves to play sports in his dreams. Oh, he is very active in football, basketball, baseball, and boxing in his dreams. Yikes! I have barely missed a few of his hoop shots and punches in the air.

Fortunately, things have gotten a lot better with our 80 pound bully dog that enjoys sleeping across his tummy.

The bully dog loves to get involved with his active play in middle of dreams. The dream is up, because the bully dog has my hubby fists gently in his mouth. Next, he is licking all over his hands. Bully dog goes back to snoring again with his belly up in the air.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz And so, it goes....


Well-known member
You're so lucky Rbella, and your hubby is hilarious! Its sweet how you cuddle every day, and thats sweet how he talks with you non-stop. Lol, some people have problems with lack of conversation! Hope your eye is better! Try tea-bags, ice, cucumbers! In the end, select cover-up gonna help anyways!)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
So, I was lying down with my husband and we were doing our usual hug, tickle, play thing that we do when he gets home from work. We lie down, hug each other for about 20 minutes and talk about our day and then we always end up in a tickle fight. Stupid I know.

I love this. You guys are really lucky to have each other, and it's not stupid at all. Sorry about your accident, though and I hope it heals up quickly!


Well-known member
My husband doesnt really care, he just says oh ur eyes dont match with ur clothes today.

My brothers and dad on the otherhand .. as i was wearing the cool heat collection said WHATS WRONG WITH YOUR EYE?? it looks black and blue!!!! -_______-


Well-known member
Your husband sounds sooooo funny. You seem to have a great relationship!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jasminbarley
To be honest, make-up aside, I'm actually more worried about your eye and that he made fun of hurting you!

Hope it's better today and your hostess duties weren't too affected.

I understand where you are coming from, but you'd have to know my husband to know that he would never make fun of me unless he first checked to see if I was ok (which he did) and if the situation itself wasn't hilarious. I was laughing too. He is truly the kindest and most gentle human being on the face of the earth.

My eye is good, just looks stupid. It's not too black, but it hurts a bit...I don't recommend biting your hubby on the waist when he's not prepared for it!!!


Well-known member
aww how cute!

i wear neutrals mostly so whenever i break out a color my bf is a weirdo about it lol they dont get it


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jasminbarley
Sorry, rbella, didn't mean to cast aspersions - I know this thread is semi-serious/semi-jokey.

Glad to hear that he checked you were okay first and also that your eye isn't too bad - perhaps a cold compress might help?

Oh my gosh, don't worry about it at all. I think it is sweet that you were concerned!


Well-known member
Awww! I hope you're okay.

The sad part is, my boyfriend would probably start playing with all the make-up and try to put it on me- OR HIMSELF /dies. Or pick a crazy shade and yell across the store 'Hey Kelly!!! You should try this one!!!'


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
I was spooning him from behind. I decided to bite him on his waist because he is so ticklish there. He ended up having a kneejerk reaction and accidentally elbowed me right in the eyeball.

Yeah yeah yeah likely story .... we know what your were really up too
How were you spooning him from behind.... bite his waist... ( mind you behind him with your head at his waist) and get kneed in the eye if you weren't doing something funky

All jokes aside.... I know what its like to be playing around with your love and end up with a black eye.... we used to wrestle around and a little girl i was babsitting was playing with us ... well he threw me over his shoulder and was putting me down and my eye socket landed right on her bended knee... To top it off it was the week of Christmas ... so I had a massive black eye at all of our family things.... It just sounds so bad to even try to explain what happened. People always want to think the worst... I'm glad to hear you're okay and in all honesty you could probably work with some of your make up and pull it off


Well-known member
I have a funny story that's similar. Both my hubby and I like to wrestle with each other, so we've had numerous fat lips (the upper lip when it's fat right in the middle has been dubbed the "turtle" lip) and bruises. What can I say, we're rough! However one day it was just a little too much...we were wrestling around on the floor, and all of a sudden his elbow went right into my nose. I'd never had a bloody nose before (or since) but that day my nose was gushing like a fountain. There was blood all over me, and all over the floor...he nearly started crying he was so upset that he'd hurt me. I just laughed because it was so comical, us looking like we'd just participated in a slasher flick and him on the verge of tears! The next morning I woke up with a black line across the bridge of my nose, and two black eyes. My husband broke my nose!