My Last tangible childhood memory is gone...


Well-known member

My childhood house was torn down today
We had a 5 room victorian home on Chicago's northside. It needed work (it was just my mom and me and we didn't know how to fix major stuff), but it was a beautiful home. My best friend (who still is lives over there) called me and told me. I am really sad. I called my mom and she is sad too- but I feel like it hasn't hit me.

2004 was rough. My mom sold our house (but we didn't have to move out until one year later in 2005). Shortly after, my first car died (also a car my fam had when I was a kid). I used to cry, cry, cry. I kind of have move on, but now that my house is GONE- it feels like my heart is sore.

My childhood cats died in 2006 and 2007. THat was a shit sandwich to deal with. Thankfully my specktra peeps had such encouraging words.

Anyways, it feels like- here I am making my new life in Texas, about to get married, buy my own first house, and I was forgetting about my old childhood life. So maybe that's why i feel it hasn't hit me so hard yet. I am crying, but not boohooing. My thoughts feel jumbled so I apologize in advance if this doesn't make sense.


Well-known member
That's too bad. It's always hard to see things that were such an important part of our life fade. But you are so right in that you're making so many new memories for yourself in the next few short months. And those will last a lifetime, as well!


Well-known member
Aww Hilly, I'm sorry =( My heart breaks for you. I'm with PurtyKitty, just think about all the new memories you're getting to make, and all the new experiences you get to have.


Well-known member
Just think of it as starting a new, exciting chapter in your life. Just because you are moving on to a new chapter, doesn't mean the old chapters can't be remembered, it just means you are moving on. That's what being an adult is all about.


Well-known member
It's always hard to see stuff like that happen when you have such memories there, but just think, you're ALWAYS going to have those memories!! I hope you get thru this okae.


Well-known member
Hilly, I'm so sorry. I know how important your childhood home can be. I don't know anything to say that will make it better, but I sure am thinking about you. It's hard enough to think of someone else living in your childhood home, but when it's torn down, it's a terrible feeling. Just remember, they can tear the house down, but they can't take your memories.

I'm excited about all your upcoming life changing events. I hope it helps take your mind off things. Although, I know that change can be just as stressful. Let me know if you need anything. A drink or a shoulder to cry on! Happy to be there for you!


Well-known member
Remember what we talked about at Magnolia cafe? I think this news has brought home the realization you're about to begin your newest journey. This is a big step in your life!!
Sorry to hear about your childhood home.


Well-known member
I am so sorry! Think of it as you are going to start a new life which is a big step and it's always hard to forget childhood memories. Hang in there!


Well-known member
it is hard to let go of your childhood home - the memories are so strong.

hang in there girl, it will get better. focus on your wonderful new journey and know that you will always hold the memories of your childhood home


Well-known member
I feel for you hun, you've had a rough time.
Life is real hard sometimes. But try and focus on your positive, happy new start.
Even nice memories are often hard, tinged with sadness, but try and remember all the good stuff and keep looking ahead to a bright new start.
Things will work out, you'll see


Well-known member
Awww sweetie, I hope you start feeling better soon! Mourning always takes a while and during that time we're lucky to have people to support us and to make our pain go away.
I am so sorry about your cats you've lost..They're in kitty heaven now and one day you'll be reunited and happy together again. Until then they'll play with strings and balls and little fake mice and wait for their human mummy. *hugs*


Well-known member
The house gave you shelter and a place to grow into the beautiful woman you are today.

The parts of the house are still on the Earth & touching it. The house has undergone a transition only in form.

You too are under transition. Go with it and enjoy your new adventure. You have a whole new life awaiting you. You loose nothing. You take the strengths of all that you learned from the past and move forward into the future. You too will transform before your eyes like that of a butterfly.

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