My little boy is in pain :-(


Well-known member
My 1 year old son has been waking up every night for the last month or so crying his eyes out. Nothing we could do to comfort him, and some nights he cryed for three hours before he fell asleep again exhausted.

So tady we went to the ear doctor, and yes he has build up fluid in his ears. So he will have to undergo surgery to get eartubes.

My little boy has to undergo surgery and anesthetics
I know it's minor surgery but still

At least we now know what's wrong and have an explanation. But I'm so sad, that he is pain


Well-known member
awww iam so sorry to hear that! but look on the bright side, after all this is over he'll feel so much better! i get all worried 2 when my bro and sis are in pain, i can only imadgine how u as a mother would feel! everything will be ok, keep ur head up!


Well-known member
Yes that is true. And the operation is highly effective, and only takes minutes. But still... I don't know how I will cope when they put him in aneastethics (spelling?).


Well-known member
it must be very upsetting for you seeing him in so much pain. and try not to get too stressed out about the op. it's for the best, my mum was very upset when i was put to sleep during an op because i left my eyes open so it looked like i was dead. she said when they shut my eyes i just looked like i was sleeping. plus because your son is so young he won't even remember it when he is a little older.


Well-known member
I'm sorry to hear that your son is in pain, but at least it will be better soon. Apparently when I was about two there was a day in which I was in a lot of pain. I was clutching my stomach and crying; and I did this for hours until my parents took me to the hospital. I got X-rays and blood work and tests done; it turned out that I was just constipated lol! Try not to stress out too much, he will be fine!


Well-known member
Both of my kids had tubes in their ears. It helped them out a bunch. My babies were getting headaches and were in a lot of pain. It will get better


Well-known member
i had tubes when i was little.. and it looks like my little one is going to end up with them too!

try not to worry too much. focus on your little guy getting better.


Well-known member
poor baby! my younger sis, (she's 28 now) i remember had this done when she was a child too & she was much better afterwards. earaches are the worst pain, especially when you're a child! i used to have them really bad when i was a kid myself. the surgery will help him tremendously though, just try to take comfort in that. sending well wishes.