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Well-known member
I had Barbara too!

info: One of our Artists will be with you shortly. At the end of this chat session, you may request to have a transcript of your chat sent to you via email by completing our Exit Survey.
info: Hello. Thank you for your interest in MAC Cosmetics. My name is Barbara. How may I assist you?
Alysia: Hi Barbara, I'm having some problems getting colours to show up brighly when using eyeshadows
Alysia: I'm just wondering how to make them show up brighter
Barbara: Hi Alysia, I'm glad to help. How are you currently applying your eye shadow?
Alysia: with a small shader brush and than the 217 to blend
Barbara: Great, you need firm brushes to apply your eye shadows with more intensity. Here are a couple of other tricks to try.
Barbara: Use a base on your eye lids so your eye shadow pigments can grab onto them. Something like a neutral Cream Colour Base or Prep + Prime Eye Are excellent choices.
Barbara: With technique, use a patting motion to press the pigments on to the lid rather then sweeping them. This will make your eye shadows more intense.
Alysia: I was told Biege-ing shadestick might also be helpful, what do you think?
Barbara: Beige-ing Shadestick is another nice option. The creamy formula of our Shadesticks will help to grab your powder eye shadow pigments as well.
Alysia: with the patting motion... do you mean the colour prep or the shadow?
Barbara: The patting motion is for the eye shadows. It deposits the colour rather then sweeping it all around which will make it soft.
Alysia: ahh ok
Alysia: and what colour/neutral would you recc in the creme base?
Alysia: I have super fair skin if that helps
Alysia: I'd prefer something I could use with lots of colours as I like to change it up alot
Barbara: Shell Cream Colour Base is a great choice for a very fair skin tone.
Barbara: It's a neutral shade so you have lots of options withit.
Barbara: Click here for the MAC Cream Colour Base page.
Alysia: also, what brushes would you reccomend? I currently have the 217 and want to buy some more MAC brushes. I've heard 272 is really versitile
Barbara: I recommend the #252, #242 or #239 brushes which are all firm. The #217 that you have is excellent for crease work and the #272 is indeed versatile. It's more medium firm.
Alysia: alright, thanks so much!
Barbara: You are welcome! Enjoy these tips Alysia.
Barbara: Thank you for visiting MAC Cosmetics Online.
info: Thank you for chatting with us. If we can be of further assistance, please contact us again.


Well-known member
may I add some suggestions?

get hush ccb, it's really nice, great under e/s of anykind and makes a great cheek and browbone highligther too (I'm really pale myself)
and definitly get the 272 over the 239, it's basicly the same brush but angled and therefore really versatile

Femme Noir

Well-known member
I'm going to second the 239 brush. i have so many of them, I just love them. and I'm a big fan of the pearl cream colour base.