Originally Posted by prppygrl69
Probably interracial couples.I feel if you don't like it,don't say anything.
Thank you Dreamergirl3. Yes they are adorable when sleepin,specially this cutie!hehe
Honestly, I doubt that's what the person was talking about. It didn't even cross my mind when I read what they said that it
could mean that. If that was what they meant, they probably would've said so instead of just saying "that kind of stuff," since there wasn't anything in the original post about that topic. Since you said in the post "he was sleepin tonight and he just left so i hadddd to take pics," they were probably talking about it not being ok to take pictures of people when they're sleeping.
Sorry, I just had to say that. I'd hate to see someone pegged as being ignorant when they were probably just misunderstood.
Anyway, congrats on your happy relationship, he is a cutie.