My new puppy!


Well-known member
Here is a picture of my precious little Chihuahua. She is 10 weeks old & I named her *Paris* (yes after Hilton)


Well-known member
wow that's so cute. i'm not usually a big dog fan but i have to say that's one really cute as dog!!


Well-known member
Ooooh, soooo cute! Look at those little feet!


Well-known member
That's pretty cute, and I don't generally like chihuahuas. Will she get all shaggy or stay short-haired? Love the white spot on her chest and how her ears are slightly too big! Makes me want to scratch her between them!


Well-known member
Thank you everyone. And to mspixxieears, she's a short hair Chi & her hair will not get any longer. She barely sheds at all! Gotta love that! And everyone loves the ears! I call her Dumbo sometimes LOL! She loves having them massaged.


Well-known member
omg I want one really bad just like that. But I have to wait until a long time until I get my own place and have enough money to own one
Your puppy is such a doll hehe

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