*My new Tattoos*


Well-known member
Hey! well here is me with my new tattoos, I just came from there, and I really like them a LOT so.. enjoy!





the horse is actually from my fave album from all times "White Pony" by Deftones, and the SP in the heart stands for smashing pumpkins my fave band.
I love music, I cannot live without music, and this 2 bands are really special for me.
When the white pony came out, I was going through a rough time, and for some reason listening to them it would make me feel better, even now, every time I listen that album it makes me feel better, not down, and depressed....
Smashing Pumpkins, were the first band I ever like in my whole life, I was 10 or 11, when I heard 1979 and since then I love them!!they introduced me to music.


Well-known member
I'm not really big into either band (I enjoy some of their stuff, but I'm def not as devoted as you are) but I can definently sympathize with wanting to mark yourself with something that pays tribute to bands that have really changed your life.


Well-known member
they are fab. i love the early smashing pumpkins stuff and your tattoo has just reminded me of when i was younger! guess thats the point!

Corvs Queen

Well-known member
Love, love, LOVE the Pumpkins tattoo!!! I met my hubby because of them. Anyways, that's Billy in my avatar. Solo tour, Köln Germany, 2005.

Oh! And I am sure you know my sig.


Well-known member
I LOVE UR TATOOS!! I just put "back to school" and "bullet w/butterfly wings" on my myspace a couple weeks ago. Thats so weird that I feel the same way.