my nose hurts :(


Well-known member
It hurts because I have a really bad cold, and I keep blowing my nose. Now the skin around my nostrils is all raw and red
I can't stop blowing my nose though!! UGH!! Does anyone know how I can make it better? I'm supposed to go out tommorrow night and I'm trying look cute with an ugly nose :confused: Thanks!


Well-known member
try getting the special kleenex with lotion integrated into it. It helps a lil bit, and vaseline! as mentioned above. works wonders.


Well-known member
I agree whole-heartedly with mac attack, get those tissues with the lotion! They are well worth the money when you are constantly blowing. Maybe use a little polysporin on your nose, might heal up a little faster. HTH

p.s. get the lotion tissues!


Well-known member
thanks girls! UGH I'm so mad, I just now read your replies after I got back from WALMART, where I could've bought some damn lotion tissues. But yea.. I'm gonna put some vaseline on my nose. thanks again!!


Well-known member
i use the monistat chafing gel.. lol.. u know.. the one people say is a dupe of smashbox's photofinish primer? i swear it works really well!


i have the same problem. i switched to the tissues with the lotion but i also put aloe on my irritated skin on and around my nose and it really helps.


Well-known member
Aah! That always happens to me when I get a cold. Vaseline really is the best thing for it, and try to be extra gentle when you have to rub your nose. You don't want to make it worse!