My Sick Makeover & New Hair!!


Well-known member
Last week when I stopped at my MAC counter one of the MA's was telling me that they are going to have the top artists from the area come in and do makeovers. So I made my appointment.
I ended up coming down with a sinus infection and was totally bummed if I wasn't going to make my appointment. So I slept all day today and went to my makeover tehe! I freakin' love Christopher, he was at the Studio Talk class I went to as well. I just wanted to take him home with me! Anyways...he made me feel/look super sexy! Oh and I changed up my hair a little!
Ok now onto the FOTD.....

Fresco Rose p/p
Shore Leave e/s
Fig 1 e/s
Beautiful Iris e/s
#3 Lashes
Zoom Lash

Studio Fix Fluid - NC30
Sweet William b/c

Softwood l/l(him and I were cracking up on how that is an oxymoron!)

Blankety l/s
Funtabulous Dazzleglass

I went a little picture crazy!! Sorry!


Well-known member
I appreciate all your comments!!

BaDKiTTy69 I hope your hair turns out! I just love how it looks, its also a nice change from being platinum.


Well-known member
OMG how adorable are you? I love your hair, and purples look great on you! I am waiting on Beautiful Iris in the mail and I am so excited!