my smokey eye.......


Well-known member
hey everyone......this is my first post so here goes.....I did this about a couple weeks ago just messin around trying to master this smokey eye thing........I'll post what I used if anyone asks.....I'm too lazy now....hehe......what do ya think?.......oh and sorry if the pics are HUGE.......I'm tryin to figure this site out..........

//edit removed pics that exceed size limitations


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Joke
Great smokey eye! What did you use?

first of all thanks so much for the compliments.......if I could draw a little heart here I would......hehe

as for what I used.....umm this was a little bit let me me think.......

lets see......first I colored in my eyelid with M.A.C Eye Kohl in Phone Number.....then I smudged it around the edges with a little sponge from some eye liner by Maybelline I think, I dunno, doesn't matter.....but anyhoo......then I made the sponge wet and smudged Carbon over the whole eyelid......after that I smoothed Black Tied over the whole thing and lined my eye with Phone Number (the water line too) and smudged the lower lash line to make it sorta smokey.....then to finish it off I used Physician's Formula Eyelight to "smoke it up" near the brow........and Voila!.......I'd say a pretty good first attempt.......I was actually as the only tools I used were that little smudger sponge thing and my fingers......


Well-known member
It looks absolutely gorgeous. You did a wonderful job. I love it! Thanks for posting what you used.


Well-known member
Holy sh*t!!!! WooooooWWWWW!!!! Thats the best smokey eye look ever!!!!!

P.S.: Your nose looks awkwardly huge in one of the pics!
Looks quite funny and is NO offense!!!


Well-known member
wow that looks gorgous. i might just have to try it. I have pale skin and im so afraid of using black. but you make it look good


Well-known member
WOW... one of my favorite smokey look sand it was only your first try lol. I like this look alot ... i see alot of people putting black underneath their eye.. and alot of the time it works but it doesnt work for me b/c of te way my eyes are shaped so i love seeing someone else do it this way and it look gorgeous lol. You did a wonderful job!