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My Teresa Barbie look.


Well-known member
Hey guys I might as well get over my fear of posting....lol

This is a look I did for a barbie inspired contest, hope y'all enjoy.
YouTube - Barbie Contest Entry
Couldn't find my pics but there are some in the video

Let me know what you guys think!


Well-known member
I love the eyeliner... it really transformed your eyes and looked amazing! I actually watched the whole video and I barely watch Specktra posted vids. LOL. Great job & goodluck!

So glad you are over your fear and can't wait to see more.


Girrl, you totally look better than barbie. W-O-W that was a great look! (*runs off to try and replicate it*) =D


Well-known member
omg , this is so nice !! that green / turquoise is so nice , and you wore the eyeliner to perfection . i always wanted to wear my eyeliner like this , i need alot of practice .


Well-known member
You look gorgeous..and so cute, I love the dancing when you are waiting for the glue to dry on the lashes.