my thanks to everyone

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Well-known member
Hey all,

It's been brought to my attention (in kind of a mean way
) that i'm a "rude" person for not "thanking" anyone on specktra when i have so many "thanks".

I just wanted to say sorry to anyone who was ever offended by this, but I've never really noticed that the option was even there. I think It's clear that I don't just ignore everyone since I'm always leaving comments on other's posts.

But anyway, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry if I came off rude to anyone. I wasn't not "thanking" people on purpose, I just really never took note of it. From now on I'll start thanking...


xo LC


Well-known member
Personally, I think all the marvelous Faces of the Day & stash pics you grace us with surely make up for you neglecting the thank you button.


Well-known member
awww! don't worry hun! I think i know you quite well & I know you are not kind of person! I really enjoy all your FOTD!


Well-known member
I wouldn't even give this issue another second of your time. Really. You're an active participant on this board and so kind and helpful.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Modmom
I wouldn't even give this issue another second of your time. Really. You're an active participant on this board and so kind and helpful.

Agreed. It's a really weird thing to get bent out of shape about--whomever brought it to your attention, I mean. We don't all feel that way.


Well-known member
You have the right to thank whom ever you want when ever you want. It bugs me when people get upset when people don't use the thanks button.

I think that you are such a generous member (with your FOTDs, industry help, etc) and I am sorry that someone made you feel that you are a rude person.


Well-known member
I sometimes think the "thanks" button is overused anyways - I did notice, however, that you didn't have any at one point, but then again, I also noticed some other people (who are regular posters), didn't as well. No big deal
I didn't think I was "thanking" enough at one point I know what you mean! Its ok....I personally love everything you post and didn't think it was rude.


Well-known member
There is no "thank button" protocol on Specktra - it's simply a feature of the board platform that members may choose to utilize, or not.

There's really no need to post any justification for or against the use of this feature. Use it or not use it, it's up to you.


Well-known member
Wtf I can't believe someone brought that up. If you don't feel like thanking anyone, you shouldn't have to. You shouldn't feel like you have to start thanking people now just because someone was being retarded and acting like a 5 yr old about it. Whoever said that to you needs to grow the fuck up. Foreal.


Well-known member
Don't worry about it. I can't believe someone would be "offended" by that...Plain childish. Keep on posting 'cause we all love your work!


Well-known member
i think that anyone who gets that bent out of shape about not being thanked in return needs to get out more


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jjjenko
Wtf I can't believe someone brought that up. If you don't feel like thanking anyone, you shouldn't have to.

I mean it's more like I never even knew the option was there, not that i was choosing not to use it..u know?
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