My thumb hurts like a *@#*#$*!!


Well-known member
Grrrr.... my right thumb is so sore in the middle joint, I don't know why - I haven't done anything to it. It feels like when you need to 'crack' a joint (though I hate this and avoid at all costs) but attempting to do so hasn't helped any. It's sore to use, it's sore when it's not in use, it's just sore!
I didn't really think about how much I use it until now - texting, using my mouse, opening tins of cat food, make up application :s
Not very good that I have a 5 hour drive to my home town today, is it?

Maybe I'll go to the doctor while I'm there. This is so annoying!


Well-known member
How long has it been sore? I'd give it a week to go away, you probably strained it some how some way. Unless your finger is swollen or broken i don't think a doctor can do much :\

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