My tiny but wonderful Chanel haul


Well-known member
So today I was just minding my own business birthday shopping for my housemate when the Chanel counter stepped in my way and demanded that I hand over my money in exchange for this:

Sorry about the quality but my hands were unsteady after witnessing the beauty of the Lumiere D'Artifices eye and cheek palette. It's just so beautiful, words cannot even describe.
I was really lucky too, it was the last one!


Well-known member
Ooooh....I'm jealous! It's beautiful! This is the only Chanel makeup that I'm lemming. Congrats on snagging the last one!


Well-known member
oooh! I have it! It happened almost the same way with me !!!!!! I was supposed to buy some cheap makeup but he called me : jay jayyyyyyyy!!!! buy me!

I couldn't resist!


Well-known member
oh that palette is divine
i bought one when they 1st came out and cos i loved it sooo much dh got me another one

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