My turn at the HK haul...


Well-known member
I still have to get the BP's, lashes, nail polish and traincase. Damn MAC for capping online orders at $500! BTW, I'm in love with the TLCs..they're lovely!

Now I need to reorganize my makeup *again*. I just did it like a few weeks ago, and my counter is full of stuff again. Yikes!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by miss_primer
Great haul. How much can the little makeup bag hold?

It's small...if I put it against the flat of my hand, it goes from the bottom of my hand, slightly past the second knuckle of my middle finger. You could probably fit 4 or 4 lippies in it. I carried around my Pink Fish TLC in it today.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Fataliya
It's small...if I put it against the flat of my hand, it goes from the bottom of my hand, slightly past the second knuckle of my middle finger. You could probably fit 4 or 4 lippies in it. I carried around my Pink Fish TLC in it today.

Thanks for the info.


Well-known member
These pics make me giddy with joy!!! Their so pornographic (makeupwise- dirty girl)!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
Girl, how much did you buy?!!! Your haulage pics are making me

Well, I got one of every makeup item, except the brown lippy. I still have to get the lashes, the beauty powders, and the grey and pink nail polish. Oh, and the traincase.

I'm gonna try and find my way to the International Mall in Tampa to the MAC store, because counters don't carry the accessories, but the stores do.

What I had delivered today was $533...hubby said I was his Valentine's Day gift to me, since he knew I REALLY wanted it.