My Urban Decay Bargain Buys :o)


Well-known member
On a recent shopping trip the other week one of the department stores had a sale on its urban decay & too faced makeup (just very small selection)...

I managed to get these UD eyeshadows for £3 each, the lipliners for about £2-£3 and a too faced lipstick for £3 (luxury lipsticks range, but having gone back it looks like that one was probably in the sale by mistake as it was meant to be selling off their older stock

Anyway, I was pretty pleased that this little lot should have added up to £60+ in makeup and I got it for about £17



Well-known member
That is such a great deal! Looks like you picked some really great colors too
Hope you enjoy it!


Well-known member
those are some beautiful pastels, i've never seen any colors like those before ! good deal !


Well-known member
Those look gorgeous! Did you know the UD shadows can be depotted and fit into the MAC palettes? I did that and it saves a lot of room. I also depotted the inside of the empty MAC palettes so they can hold even more shadows. =]

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