My very first MAC experience...

Gosh I was so excited to get my first makeover (FINALLY)! I'd been hoping to go and get it done before the Holidays, but got too busy. Anyhow, my makeover was scheduled for yesterday. I arrived to see a 50ish yr old woman at the counter. Yes, my first reaction was "oh great...what's it going to be like" then I thought "Give it a chance....IT is MAC of course!"....Ugh. She did my makeup using the Lingerie collection (I was so excited!).....And then I looked in the mirror. I didn't like the look at all....She used the shadows so sparingly that they hardly showed at all. The eyeliner wasn't put on nicely; it didn't "flow" well; the lines weren't precise. I was so disappointed!

Meanwhile, another MA shows up (younger, fresher, obviously more into the trends) and I just look at her like "help!". She ended up helping me choose some colors. Come to find out that the MA who did my makeup was the manager of that counter. She called Sumptuous Olive "Scrumptious Olive" and Jojoba Oil "Jojoba" - not "Hohoba". I just felt like she wasn't the "essence" of what I thought MAC was. Do you think my expectations were too high?

I''ve taken a pic of it and will post it once I get on my regular PC. UGh.

Anyhow, my very first haul includes:

Petticoat MSF
Studio Fix Powder + foundation
Grey Utility PP
Creamstick liner in Creamola
Viva Glam V lipstick
Shimermoss e/s
Plum e/s
Flirty Number e/s
Sumptuous Olive e/s
Sunday Best e/s
Bare Canvas paint

I can't wait to play!


Well-known member
What store did you go to? Sometimes, some dept stores hire people that have no experience in a certain line to manage the in point...just before I left Nordies' MAC counter, they had just hired a counter manager that came from Trish McEvoy...TOTALLY not MAC at all...very soft, subtle colors, etc. We had to school her and she learned quickly (thank God!)...nice haul by the way!


Well-known member
thats a pretty good first haul. and no i dont think your expectations were high but i know you were imagining it to be something that im guessing it wasnt. and i know thats disapointing. i think thats funny that she messed up the names. i really dont know what managers at mac do, but managers at other places deal with organizing everything and keeping it in place so maybe she wasnt the greatest because applying makeup wasnt her most talented area.


Well-known member
I can sympathise.
I had my first MAC makeover done a month ago, i took a pic of a natural, glow, fresh, pinky/peachy look Jude did ages back that i loved and told her to recreate that. She used dark, chalky, smokey colours and gave me a smoky dead look that i hated....and she was also the manager of the counter.
And when i told her that maybe a goldy peach toned colour would look nice if added (hinting that it needs more freshness and perkiness) she firmly said no and told me a strange reason why it wouldn't look nice. :confused: I took a picture to prevent my makeover turning out bad as i know people's view of what is 'fresh' etc is different to your own, but how can you intepret colours that are there plain to see on a picture so differently..
She also made no effort to make conversation at all, i had to do all the work asking her questions about how she got into Mac and making small talk.

I look 200% better when i do my own makeup. Another reason to add to not liking my counter and another factor contributing to the fact that i am asking for less and less advice and questions to SOME of the SAs there as they are clueless and unhelpfull and unenthusiastic.
Thanks guys. It happened that the counter I went to was at Dillards. At least I got the products though! And I'll just have to talk to another MA next time :)


Well-known member
That's depressing... You'll find a good one eventually though

You got some great product out of it though!


Well-known member
I feel you on this one! I personally won't go to an older MA for a makeover simply b/c i think that younger ones can me a fresher look and relate to me more. I always try to find someone who looks something like me, I just feel we be able connect more. Next time if someone offers to do your makeup who you really don't want, just ask if any other of the MAs are availble. You have to be hobest and upfront. I can't believe she was the manager and din't even know those colors! It's funny b/c I feel like I know more about MAC than some of the SAs! For iintsance if say I'm looking for a 187 brush, they ask which one it is. And then they have to search through every draw looking at numbers, and I'm like, hello!!! I cant wait to apply at MAC!!! :]

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