Napoleon Perdis Brush Cleaner


New member
Today I went out to buy the Manicare Ariste Brush Cleaner but they were out of stock, but the S.A told me that the Napoleon Perdis Brush Cleaner is pretty much just the same. The thing is though... the Manicare one was $14 USD where as the NP one was $30 USD. I bought it anyway because I needed some to spot-clean my foundation and concealer brushes, while I was at a friends house for 4 days.

I got home, got the bottle out and looked at the ingredients and all it said was "Iso-propanol > 90% Essential Lavender Oils". I don't know much about brush cleaners but do you think $30 is too much for only having that in it? The Manicare one had the same & more ingredients than that I believe (minus the Lavender Oils). I suppose I should have checked all this stuff before I purchased it, but I was in a rush and I didn't so silly me "/ . The S.A also said, "Make sure to spray it onto a tissue, rather than directly onto the brush so it doesn't damage them as much" which I didn't realize she had said until 5 minutes after I purchased it. It won't damage them as much? So will this damage my brushes a little? Or am I just paranoid? Lol


Well-known member
I don't use brush cleaner - I think it's a lot of hogwash. A good gentle shampoo does the trick real nice, like baby shampoo, and especially for natural-hair brushes.


Well-known member
The most important reason for using brush cleaner is that the iso-propanol alcohol disinfects your brushes (bacteria is transferred from your face to the brush and bacteria can also form if you dont clean your brushes after using them) and obviously doing a spot clean like you said.

The reason she told you not to spray it straight on is because the iso-propanol (alcohol) can be corrosive to the ferrule of the brush (the silver bit). The reason they put oils in, like lavender oil, is that the oil acts as a conditioner for the bristles... I like to clean my brushes with a brush cleaner during the week and then do a weekly deep clean with baby shampoo.

Now the bad part - the Napoleon one was really overpriced! It wont damage your brushes any more than say the MAC one or the Manicare one would, but it clearly costs a more
However it achieves the same objective...
