NARS Eye Shader Brush 03


Well-known member
I really don't care for this brush. It is $55, which makes it the most expensive eye brush that I own. It's actually the most expensive brush I own period. The only thing I found it useful for is applying a LIGHT wash of color to the lid and for blending. That isn't enough for me. I like my eyeshadow brushes to apply my shadows with intensity, especially my NARS shadows, and this just couldn't stand up. I heard so many raves about it from the MAs that I just knew it would be fantastic and that I couldn't live without it. It's a very soft brush that feels good on the eye but it really wasn't for me. Has anyone else tried it?


Well-known member
i have not tried it.but i have been in your shoes many a time. i hear faves then the item is just bleh.
but one thing i have to say is timing is everything. if you choose to keep it, who knows it could be your go-to brush.


Well-known member
Well I have it and love it!
As you say, it's my basic for a wash of color in the lid. I find it similar in shape to MAC 252, but this one is softer.

I also use it sometimes to apply a thin layer of powder under the eye so my concealer won't crease.


Well-known member
sheesh thats a lot for a brush. awhile ago, at the nars counter, i was persuaded into buying some random little brush that was WAY more than i thought it'd be. its the wierdest, smallest, flat, wide brush, i never use it, and was extremely overpriced. overall i haven't been a fan of NARS brushes?