NARS powder foundation


Does anyone use NARS powder foundatiion? How do you like it? I've heard good things about NARS liquid foundation, but have found nothing on the powder foundation.


Well-known member
Hey. I was dealing with this "issue" recently. I would link you to my other post, but honestly...typing is quicker.

Basically, I got fed up with Studio Fix powder and NEEDED something new. I opted for the NARS powder foundation, based upon the raving reviews of their liquid.

Here's the verdict: Very, very powdery. As in...I swear more ended up on my clothes and in my house than on my face. It seemed like a big waste. Also, the coverage was not quite as full as I would have liked. I had to pack it on (remember, I'm losing a lot in the process) in order to get a medium-full coverage look. It DID hold up exceptionally well throughout the day, which was a biggie to me. I live in Phoenix and it's hot and I shine, but the NARS kinda kept that at bay.

My issue, then, came down to how much was required to get the coverage I wanted along with how much was being wasted (I'm far as a pressed foundation powder goes, it was freaking insane). And I figured that within a month I'd have to repurchase. Due to the cost ($45 new and $35 for a refill), that seems like a ton to be spending monthly on foundation alone.

So I did a little more research via makeupalley, totalbeauty and a couple of other sites and decided to try out the Laura Mercier powder foundation.

So far so good. Coverage is fuller, though it still doesn't look heavy or caked-on. I need to blot 1-2 times a day, but it's not extreme to the point it was with the Studio Fix. Color is very natural, powder seems to be highly pigmented, and best of all, I'm not losing half of it in the process.

I am REALLY big on using a brush to apply foundation powder, reserving the puff/sponge for touch-ups, so I can really only comment as far as that's concerned. But I like this Laura Mercier a lot so far.

If I end up with any monstrous breakouts in the next couple of months, though, I'll let you know.


Ok thanks! The closest Sephora to me is about 40-45 minutes away so it's harder for me to get over there during the work week. I didn't want to make the trip only to be disappointed (although I could pick up a blush while I'm there!). Keep me posted! I guess in the meantime I'll stick to my BE. Anyone else?
I like it. I much prefer it to studio fix! It lasts all day and has that velvety texture that NARS products are famous for, and in my opinion gives good coverage. Great if you are not a heavy makeup wearer or want something with a little more coverage than pressed powder on days that you go light on makeup or are pressed for time. Also its fab over the balanced liquid foundations when you want that airbrushed look!


Well-known member
It gives good coverage and sunscreen protection without looking cakey or chalky. I have used it over the oil free foundation for photography as well. It doesn't emphasize fine lines. It gives a somewhat heavier coverage than NARS liquid foundations. Its great for air travel.