NC 25 deferent depending on product?


Well-known member
Ok, I have SFF in NC25 and it is good color match, but I have Mineralize Skinfinish in the same color, and it is too orange. Recently I got Select Sheer Pressed in NC 20, and again it is too orange and too DARK!?!? I can not even imagine Select Sheer Pressed in NC25. Why does that happen? Does it happen with some other shades too?

Stephie Baby

Well-known member
I've had the same problem with the Studio Fix powder. I'm an NC25 in the fluid, but in the powder NC25 makes me look like a ghost. Idk why the colors vary so much. It probably has to do with the texture and all that stuff. Lol.


Well-known member
The colours in SFF tend to be quite 'off' from the other foundations in the line. One thing I know about NC25 in SFF is that there is A LOT of yellow in it, more so than the other foundations in the same shade (I think SFF also generlly runs daker than other foundations too). Maybe the other foundations you've mentined don't have enough of a yellow tone for you, hence appearing orange? Just a guess.


Well-known member
different formulas have different ingredients. different ingredients make different colors. that's why when you switch formulas you need to be matched each time.