NC 45 is the craziest shade


Well-known member
Originally Posted by da_hood_model
my sister called me the other day she had when to the MAC stand and the gave her NC 45, but my sister has that really red undertones in her skin so it really orange on her i told her to take it back and try NW43, i wonder if their are more in NC 45's who are really nw 43, like i said i rarely hear anyone say they wear this color

I think you're right. Because it all makes sense with my dilemna. I'm around NC 50/55 and NW 43. For the people around my color, and obviously darker, they probably ARE NW 43, hell even NW45, but they just end up with NC 45.

A TON of people come into my job (CCO) asking for NC 45. A lot of them are SO obviously darker than me. In my head I'm like, "If I'm around NC 50/55, there is NO WAY IN HELL this person wears a shade lighter than me." The way I see it is, I'm as dark as it gets in NC shades. If you're darker than me you're NW.


Well-known member
Well, I got matched to NC 45, again! NC 50 was tooooo dark. No red tones here, so NW doesn't match at all... LOL!

But I think alot of women wear a darker powder over their NC45 foundation and/or mix. Maybe there are alot of women who fall into the category b/t 45 and 50, which MAC knows, but they're not puttin out a foundation to make us have to buy more than 1 product to get the correct match... Can you tell I'm paranoid?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by reesesilverstar
Well, I got matched to NC 45, again! NC 50 was tooooo dark. No red tones here, so NW doesn't match at all... LOL!

But I think alot of women wear a darker powder over their NC45 foundation and/or mix. Maybe there are alot of women who fall into the category b/t 45 and 50, which MAC knows, but they're not puttin out a foundation to make us have to buy more than 1 product to get the correct match... Can you tell I'm paranoid?

Are you sure that you were matched correctly? I'm no expert, but I think you were matched incorrectly. (The true experts can chime in if I'm wrong.)

I would've guessed that you were NC55/50 at the absolute lightest.

Dominichulinda, Tish, silvegirl, and elongreach are textbook NC45's so I'm basing my thoughts on their skintones.

I agree with you. It just doesn't make sense to me for somebody to have to buy a foundation that's too light form them and try to warm it up by purchasing an ADDITIONAL product (e.g. MSF naturals, bronzing powders, etc.). Plus it still makes them look "gray", the neck/chest color is a lot darker than the face, tc. Matching correctly is so much more cost-effective.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by reesesilverstar
Well, I got matched to NC 45, again! NC 50 was tooooo dark. No red tones here, so NW doesn't match at all... LOL!

But I think alot of women wear a darker powder over their NC45 foundation and/or mix. Maybe there are alot of women who fall into the category b/t 45 and 50, which MAC knows, but they're not puttin out a foundation to make us have to buy more than 1 product to get the correct match... Can you tell I'm paranoid?

I know it's very hard to tell by a picture...but you look more of a Warm tone to me versus Cool..or maybe a mixture of both...But IRL tones are a lot different than in pictures ...


Well-known member
I don't know what it is... It's ridiculous cuz my face, neck and chest are 3 distinct VERY different colors... Like I think my neck is an NW 55 is how dark it is, my chest is I don't know what cuz it's paler than my face...

Maybe I should go to the Galleria and get matched there... Somehow I don't think the ladies at the counters are getting it right. Strange thing is when I went home on vacation, after spending the weekend on the beach, the MUA still matched me to NC45 - In TRINIDAD, WHERE THERE'S SUN AND BLAAAACK ppl!!! So maybe they're messing up ppl's foundation at home too, which would be HILARIOUS considering we pride ourselves on makeup and beauty pageants!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by reesesilverstar
I don't know what it is... It's ridiculous cuz my face, neck and chest are 3 distinct VERY different colors... Like I think my neck is an NW 55 is how dark it is, my chest is I don't know what cuz it's paler than my face...

Maybe I should go to the Galleria and get matched there... Somehow I don't think the ladies at the counters are getting it right. Strange thing is when I went home on vacation, after spending the weekend on the beach, the MUA still matched me to NC45 - In TRINIDAD, WHERE THERE'S SUN AND BLAAAACK ppl!!! So maybe they're messing up ppl's foundation at home too, which would be HILARIOUS!

I'd get several samples of my favorite formula and test them at home, outside, at work, (if you're brave). I NEVER trust store lighting for foundation. ANY STORE.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by da_hood_model
my sister called me the other day she had when to the MAC stand and the gave her NC 45, but my sister has that really red undertones in her skin so it really orange on her i told her to take it back and try NW43, i wonder if their are more in NC 45's who are really nw 43, like i said i rarely hear anyone say they wear this color

Maybe I should tell them I want to try NW43 the next time I go...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HeavenLeiBlu
I'd get several samples of my favorite formula and test them at home, outside, at work, (if you're brave). I NEVER trust store lighting for foundation. ANY STORE.

Are the stores more forthcoming with samples? Because it's like a tooth pulling to get some at the counters here, lol! This one chick had given me samples of the skincare stuff, but I think she was just a nice one because all the others claim they can't do it...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by reesesilverstar
Are the stores more forthcoming with samples? Because it's like a tooth pulling to get some at the counters here, lol! This one chick had given me samples of the skincare stuff, but I think she was just a nice one because all the others claim they can't do it...

I'll be honest and say that I've never purchased foundation from a counter, so I can't speak for brands who tend to set up counters; but my MAC freestanding and Sephora are always very generous with samples of everything. I don't see why a MAC counter would be stingy.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by reesesilverstar
Are the stores more forthcoming with samples? Because it's like a tooth pulling to get some at the counters here, lol! This one chick had given me samples of the skincare stuff, but I think she was just a nice one because all the others claim they can't do it...

I go to the Pro store and they are very geneorus with samples as well they gave me 4 different ones of foundation and concealer when the Sculpt came out and each was enough for several days


Well-known member
Specktra is so great. (from being on this web site) Before I went to get my 1st MAC foundation last year, I knew I would be a NC42, NC44, or maybe NW43. I knew it,period. Welllllllll, I ended up buying a NC45
. LOL I knew it was wrong. I was letting her(the manager, a black woman no less) make me feel like an idiot
for wanting to buy a 42. Y'all I knew she was off. I told her I knew it was too dark 4 me & would turn even darker because my skin is super oily. (again, all my info from Specktra
) she gave me a NC40 select sheer powder and told me this would prevent that problem.

I wish y'all could have seen how dark and orange i was. I'm embarassed to think about how I looked with my white nursing uniform on
. I use NC44 now, but it is a tad too dark 4 me. I'm too cheap to waste another whole bottle. I'll get 42 the next time.

I should have know better.***Don't buy any makeup from someone committing the dark lip liner crime everyone loves to mention in the "WOC makeup crimes" thread.***


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
I go to the Pro store and they are very geneorus with samples as well they gave me 4 different ones of foundation and concealer when the Sculpt came out and each was enough for several days

No Pro stores in Houston... Boooooo... I'll try the Galleria sometime this week when I work up the nerve for crowds...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by reesesilverstar
No Pro stores in Houston... Boooooo... I'll try the Galleria sometime this week when I work up the nerve for crowds...

Try to go on a day/time when there aren't any crowds. There are no stores (freestanding or Pro) where I live either so I go to one of the counters right after work on Tuesdays or Wednesdays. I'm often the only customer as opposed to being 1 out of 45

I think you should get samples of following colors: NW45, NW47, NC50, and NC55 (maybe even NW50?). I agree with Tish that you look more warm-toned in your photos, but we all know photos can change our coloring. Maybe you should take photos of you wearing each shade & ask some of these gurus their opinion?

I've always been told that your foundation should match your jawline/neck regardless of the color of your chest, etc. I dunno if that's a professional makeup "rule" though.


Well-known member
I just realized you guys keep saying I look warm. Ha ha... I love Coral blush and put it everywhere on my face, LOL!!!

Maybe I should take a pic of me without any foundation on and ask - but I don't wanna turn you guys to salt. So let me stop hijacking this thread now. I'll start another when I make it to the store.

Thank you for all the help ladies


Well-known member
Originally Posted by reesesilverstar
No Pro stores in Houston... Boooooo... I'll try the Galleria sometime this week when I work up the nerve for crowds...

I feel you I suffer fro Agoraphobia so going to the malls is always a challenge for me....I am just happy I have direct easy access to the Pro store without a lot of mall madness....and a understanding husband who never minds tagging along with me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by reesesilverstar
Well, I got matched to NC 45, again! NC 50 was tooooo dark. No red tones here, so NW doesn't match at all... LOL!

lol, i'm puzzled by this too. Are you wearing NC45 foundation in your pictures?

Your skin looks darker than NC45 but whatever foundation you are wearing (if any at all) seems to match your skin well.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by reesesilverstar
No Pro stores in Houston... Boooooo... I'll try the Galleria sometime this week when I work up the nerve for crowds...

Try the MAC store in Rice Village. It's usually not as crowded as The Galleria MAC. Good luck.

Also remember, if you are matched incorrectly and don't like the color, take it back for a full refund or exchange.

It would be cheaper for MAC to give samples than get a lot of returns. I wonder why they aren't more willing to offer them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by reesesilverstar
Well, I got matched to NC 45, again! NC 50 was tooooo dark. No red tones here, so NW doesn't match at all... LOL!

But I think alot of women wear a darker powder over their NC45 foundation and/or mix. Maybe there are alot of women who fall into the category b/t 45 and 50, which MAC knows, but they're not puttin out a foundation to make us have to buy more than 1 product to get the correct match... Can you tell I'm paranoid?

Looking at your avatar photo you seem more like an NW43/45 to me...more 45ish I'd say. I think another issue is that a LOT of MAs and customers get the NC/NW thing wrong. NC is for WARMER undertones and has more yellow/golden tones to it and NW is for COOLER undertones (has more pink and red in it). So you might actually be a 45 but not an NC for sure...more like an NW. NC45 is also much much lighter than NW45, even NW43! MAC's foundation system is named backwards. NC means neutralizes cool and NW neutralizes warmth. Weird but it is what it is.


Active member
wow, that is funny. i wore NC45 for years until a MAC Sr. Artist changed it up and told me that NC43 worked better for my skintone. i think it is a default shade because we have so many variations of red undertones it's easier to juss 'make do' with that one shade.

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