Need a MAC MA or someone who knows a lot about e/s


Active member
I just posted a question on MUA and at least a dozen other girls agreed. When I go to the MAC counter or store their e/s are so creamy, not powdery at all. Even the lustres seem more creamy. What is it that MAC puts on the shadows? Soem were thinking it is a spray used to disinfect them, but if so what is this spray? If not then does anyone have an idea why the shadows are a more soft creamy texture? Any info would be wonderful since I am hoping to be able to make mine the same! Thanks!


Well-known member
Agree... the oil on peoples fingers is probably the culprit. Gross Gross Gross that people just use their fingers like that. I always make an MA disinfect the eyeshadows I want to try, before I swipe them with a q-tip or whatever....


Well-known member
no we don't spray anything on them when we display them. they just get used a lot.
check out the ones that don't get used often


Well-known member
Agreed, I think wha your feeling are the oils that are left behind from ppl's fingers. Have you tried comparing it to the eyeshadows you have at it the same texture?


Well-known member
Greasy fingers covered in oil from take-away food, snotty little children and every vile excretion that human beings can possibly dribble, squirt or ooze.

Testers are the most vile things on earth. :/


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
Greasy fingers covered in oil from take-away food, snotty little children and every vile excretion that human beings can possibly dribble, squirt or ooze.

Testers are the most vile things on earth. :/

Yup, that's why I won't try out something unless I know it is only for using on people and not the display. Yuck.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
Greasy fingers covered in oil from take-away food, snotty little children and every vile excretion that human beings can possibly dribble, squirt or ooze.

Testers are the most vile things on earth. :/

Agreed. When I try things out at the counters I will only put them on the tops of my hands. I'm kind of a germ-phobe anyway, so nothing I don't have a history on will go on my face or near my eyes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bluegrassbabe
Agreed. When I try things out at the counters I will only put them on the tops of my hands. I'm kind of a germ-phobe anyway, so nothing I don't have a history on will go on my face or near my eyes.

That's what I do too... NO WAY is a tester going on my face!!


Well-known member
Yow. . .That might explain the latest breakout on my cheeks. The MA used a "creamy" Flirt and Tease blush with a questionable brush on me. haha GROSS! haha What about makeovers. . .don't they just grab the e/s off the rack and use it on you? Some MA's don't wipe it off first either. ..haha Yickers


Well-known member
haha, what a coincidence! i was just thinking the EXACT same thing yesterday: why does the texture of e/s at MAC stores/counters seem different than the ones at home.
and now, after reading all this... ugh!


New member
Originally Posted by lara
Greasy fingers covered in oil from take-away food, snotty little children and every vile excretion that human beings can possibly dribble, squirt or ooze.

Testers are the most vile things on earth. :/

ugh..... yeah, i got issues with testers too... but i have a question... how do u sanitize and stuff... doesnt the oil like seep through or does it stay on the surface???


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
Greasy fingers covered in oil from take-away food, snotty little children and every vile excretion that human beings can possibly dribble, squirt or ooze.

Testers are the most vile things on earth. :/

hahahahahahahaha!! Good thing that I've got a lead stomach cause I'm eating now and that sounds so nasty!!


Well-known member
I wish they had big pumps of hand sanitizer at every makeup counter, so that people could sanitize their hands before they start touching things. I didn't even realize people use their fingers to test stuff. I always ask an MA if I can use one of their brushes (because I see them cleaning their brushes every time the brushes are used).


Well-known member
Sooo gross, ahahahaha. I do test shadows at the counter but NEVER on my eyes. I just swatch 'em on my hands and hope for the best, or get a makeover.

Testing the lipsticks always skeeves me a little, even though I alcohol-dip them and wipe with a tissue every time. Some of the lippies at my local counter look all covered with fuzz! I don't envy the MAs having to keep everything neat.


Active member
ok, so thanks for the info! LOL I guess my MAC shadows will NEVER be creamy like the testers cuz I don't dip my finger in the shadow!And certainly not greasy ones! Now you all have made me NEVER go for a MAC makeover because at our counter they just grab them from the testers and go to town on peoples eyes! Gross! I saw this being done yesterday when I was there! Thanks!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lizsybarite
Sooo gross, ahahahaha. I do test shadows at the counter but NEVER on my eyes. I just swatch 'em on my hands and hope for the best, or get a makeover.

Testing the lipsticks always skeeves me a little, even though I alcohol-dip them and wipe with a tissue every time. Some of the lippies at my local counter look all covered with fuzz! I don't envy the MAs having to keep everything neat.

I hate to beat a dead horse (ah, who am I kidding haha) but ITA about the lipsticks!! I like washed it with alcohol, tried it on, and an hour later got weird itchy red bumps on the edge of my lips. And some kind of lip zit to boot. Nowthatis nasty.

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