Need a TRUE Red!!


Well-known member
I'm gathering colors for a look I want to try, and I have everything but a true red. I'm not looking to spend tons of money or anything. I found Lime and Orange NYX pigments which look (on the website, anyway) as if they would be perfect. However, I can't find a true red. I see they have a Penny on there, but it looks more like a rusty color. They have a Red Head in pressed shadow which looks like a true red, but all my other colors are pigments or mineral shadows, and I'd like to stick with that if I can.

So, can anyone suggest a true red pigment/loose powder? (The NYX ones are $3.00 each! Something around there, cost-wise, would be awesome.) I've checked all the mineral sites I know of and can't find a true red anywhere.



Well-known member
At that price range I'd say the Larenim eyeshadows would be your best bet. The Goth Collection has Black Rose (dark red) and Type O (bright, true red). I have a bunch of their shadows and they're a really wonderful quality for the price. You can wet a brush when using them to get a greater color impact. I order the goth collection stuff from the site but they have the regular collection in Whole Foods.


Well-known member
Wow. That Type O color is great! I wish they had samples!


Well-known member
Their shipping is a flat $7.99! OUCH!
I think I'll wait on that until I want to order more stuff! LOL

Thanks so much for the rec, though. I love that color!!


Well-known member
Rebel e/s found at Hot topic has a red. Trucco has a limited e/s called Ruby Slipper, but I find this turns blackish over bases. MAC has a Matte Red Pigment that is a pro product, I dont have this yet, but its on my list. But by far the best I have, which is available in loose powder or a cake,. Ben Nye's Cherry Red, or Soliel Red. Good luck hunting!


Well-known member
OOOH!! I didn't even think about Ben Nye! I bet I can find red, yellow, and orange there - all in one place! WEEE!! THANK YOU


Well-known member
YES! I found the Red Hot on Fyrinnae earlier this afternoon - it's perfect - and ordered it along with their Elven Dagger for my green! I have Saffron from Pure Luxe, and I think it is close enough to the orange I want to work. (I also ordered some scent from Fyrinnae - can't wait to try that.)

Thanks so much for all your help!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by VioletB
what about flammable paint?? You could probably get a sample to try from the counter.. ???:confused:

Flammable is more wine red.


Well-known member
I bought my Ben Nye stuff at Fifi Mahony's in New Orleans,.. They have a website and will ship if you search them,. and I also got a few at my local costume/theatre shop.