Need advice from a MAC MA, please!


Well-known member
Hi, I don't want to jinx myself, but I have got to ask someone that has gotten hired to work at MAC for advice! (This is a little lengthy, so hang in there! Just wanna make sure I have covered all the facts.)

Here is the situation:
I know all of the MA's at my MAC counter and have been shopping there for about 2 years. I have expressed interest in working there a while back to one of the regular MA's, but there was never an opening. Finally, they had 3 openings and I had just started working for Clinique, and one of my friends went up there and interviewd and got the job! Well, I never applied because I hated to burn bridges with Clinique at that time, so the positions were all filled. So, I went to buy a lipgelee one night and a girl asked for an application and the counter manager that was ringing me up said that she didn't have one and for the girl to check back. Well, I told her I was interested in applying so that if they had anything open up in the future, and she told me that if I could come back the next day she could have one for me to fill out. She asked me about where I was working and I explained that I am working for Clinique but would be putting in my notice because of scheduling conflicts. She asked me what kind of hours I would want to work, and things like that, and then asked me to come back the next day. I came back and filled out the application and my friend that works there was there and talked to me for a minute. Well, my friend called me later that night and said that the counter manager had mentioned to her that she would really like to hire me as a freelance but that I would not be able to work at Clinique (which I knew). I went in again to buy some things and she told me this, and I told her that I would be leaving Clinique and that I was very interested and gave her my resume. She asked me some more questions and said that as far as she knew I would not have to wait any amount of months between the counters if she were to hire me, so I could let her know as soon as I did not work for Clinique and it wouldn't be a problem.

So, today is my last day at Clinique, and my question is, what is the best way to get back in touch with her and let her know that I am very interested and knowledgable and want the position? I also don't want it to sound like I quit Clinique because I knew I had the job at MAC (because I don't know). Someone help! This has to leave a lasting impression that will get me at least a demo interview!

Thanks in advance for anyone who took the time to even finish reading this post! I will be sure to pay you back in the future!


Well-known member
Were you considering applying as a freelancer? Sometimes, it's the best way to get into a counter...


Well-known member
Yes, I am sorry. I meant to put that on there that that is what she told me she would like to hire me for.


New member
Hey, I went through the same thing you did! I worked at a department store at the fragrance counter. i knew that artists at the MAC counter really well because I worked directly across from them for a year and a half. They all knew I deperatly wanted to work for them and they like my makeup skills. So i quit my job when I heard there would be an opening and applied. It took about 3 months before I got hired freelance and I will hopefully soon be hired permanent! So I would just casually visit the counter and remind them you are still around and interested.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by farra712
Yes, I am sorry. I meant to put that on there that that is what she told me she would like to hire me for.

Just go right up to her and tell her you'd like to apply for the freelancer proactive...don't wait for her to call you!


Well-known member
Thanks, I have been sick and don't want to sound like a frog, but if I am feeling (more importantly, looking) better tomorrow I think I will go up there and let her know I am totally free to work and very interested! THanks for the advice folks!

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