
I am getting my MAC collection going and need 7 more e/s to complete my 15 e/s palette. I wear Studio Fix NW 25 foundation and have dark brown hair and blue eyes. I already have shroom, naked lunch, amber lights, star violet, trax, expensive pink, antiqued, and shadowy lady. From what I can tell from the website, these are the ones that I think I might want: Da Bling, Vapour, Twinks, Sable, Gleam, Hush, Idol Eyes, and Mulch.

Now for lips: All i have so far is Spice Lip pencil, clear lipglass, and Viva Glam V lipstick. I was thinking of ordering stripdown or creamola. For lipsticks, I was thinking of Bare Venus or C Thru Lipglass. Also looked at Coconutty, plastique, sequin, lame, fluid, and plum dandy.

Now for cheeks:
I have margin.

If you would like a pic of me to look at when making suggestions just message me. The closest MAC store is 2 1/2 hours away, so making it to talk to a MA is almost impossible, especially when working midnights. (I am a nurse.)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Well-known member
if you like neutral lips i can tell you i dont think youll like coconutty. Its very dark and metallicy brown grey on my lips.

Sable, Mulch, and some color on your eyes? Definately look at paradisco and Motif

Blush-Fleur Power it looks scary but it isn't


Well-known member
I am NW25 too, I have that nasty dirty dishwater shade of blonde for hair, so I normally dye it dark lol...

I love either using browns for my e/s, or going way off the wall and using violet for a base shadow, lining with surreal then doing the inner corner with something equally as wild....

My favorite FAVORITE e/s is woodwinked. I use that stuff religiously, its the only one I replace constantly. For lips, my fave's are Babied, and Sexy Sweet (it was l/e so it may nto be around where you are anymore) I also like to mix Rose pigment with my Babied gloss to spice it up! Nymphette is also gorgeous.

Green Eyes

Well-known member
oranges and reds really make blue eyes stand out - i recommend orange tangent, coppering, motif, cranberry, nylon, paradisco or say yeah - hope that helps - i used orange tangent, coppering, and nylon the other day on a girl with blue eyes - and WOW - it looked fabulous - kinda like a sunset effect - magnificent