Re: Need psoriasis help
i also have psoriasis. first off, you need to know there is no cure. psoriasis is inflammation caused by your skin cells attacking themselves. sometimes this is caused by an auto-immune disorder, such as arthritis. contrary to popular belief, arthritis can strike anyone at any age. doctors aren't sure why this is.
if you investigate with your doctor and find that you do have arthritis, it may be an idea to go on medication to help manage it. this may have some effect on the psoriasis.
basically, there is no fool-proof way of beating psoriasis. the cheapest, and simplest way of alleviating symptoms though is light therapy. This can be as simple as getting a bit of sun (with protection of course!). over the counter, you can apply cortisone cream, although this should be used with extreme caution as overuse can cause your skin to thin. there are also special shampoos created for those with psoriasis on their heads. the shampoo has a type of coal extract that helps alleviate itching and flaking. sometimes i use the shampoo on my foot (lol) just to cool it down during flare ups.
self tan, moisturisers and make up will do pretty much nothing. i would recommend being kind to your skin and using products without perfume. good ol aqueous creame should do the trick with moisturising. i also find that the absolute best skin cleanser for my easily dried and inflamed skin is johnson & johnson baby top to toe wash. the one in the yellow bottle. its great cos its super cheap, has no soap, no scent and cleans brilliantly without irritating my skin.
good luck with your condition, and let me know how it turns out.